jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
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<crux-arm-bot> [ crux-ports-opt-arm64 ]: rust: 1.69.0 -> 1.70.0 (#25)
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<crux-arm-bot> [ crux-ports-opt-arm64 ]: rust: update .signature
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<crux-arm-bot> [ crux-ports-core-arm64 ] prt-get: update .signature
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<pitillo> r0ni: updated prt-get's signature but pkgutils' signature seems to be fine
<r0ni> differs from the file it gets for me
<r0ni> theres also 2 files in the /files dir on the server... one with an .orig suffix
<r0ni> nftables fails as well
<r0ni> the .orig file for pkgutils works and a pkg builds, but the current 5.40.9 file does not match
<r0ni> (if it's renamed after downloading)
<r0ni> on nftables the sha for the pkgfile don't match
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<pitillo> let me check nftables
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<crux-arm-bot> [ crux-ports-core-arm64 ] nftables: update .signature
<pitillo> fixed nfutils
<pitillo> I can't see those file on pkgutils port
<beerman> pitillo i will create a pr for gcc in a bit
<pitillo> thanks beerman, I have it updated locally here but I haven't pushed any core overlay update
<pitillo> I want to speak with sepen about it because these pending updates will break the current release Makefile... so I'm still waiting to push because all is working like a charm here
<beerman> gotcha
<beerman> do you know what broke? 12.3 has problems, thats what the patch is for i included
<beerman> i can upload my build if you want
<pitillo> not related directly with gcc... upgrading current outdated versions on our overlay will "break" the release build procedure
<pitillo> the Makefile must be modified to use a specific git commit... so until we do that, we haven't updated any core-arm port
<pitillo> not sure if I'm explaining right
<beerman> its fine, i still havent dug into that part of the process tbh 😅
<r0ni> https://crux.nu/files/pkgutils-5.40.9.tar.xz.orig - this is the file linked to in the port
<r0ni> https://crux.nu/files/pkgutils-5.40.9.tar.xz - this is the correct tarball
<r0ni> if you've downloaded previously, i would think you have the orig file, but that is not the file currently at the url
<jaeger> I should delete that .orig one, it was an incomplete release
<r0ni> i'm just assuming that he had downloaded that one before the new file and thats why it all checks out to him
<r0ni> but unless he deletes the old tarball, it would look correct as is
<beerman> pitillo *sigh* i'll do the next llvm right now 😄 couldn't have known that they do a new one just today
<pitillo> beerman: great
<pitillo> r0ni: understood! thanks for the report and the explanation
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<crux-arm-bot> [ crux-ports-core-arm64 ] pkgutils: update .signature
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<pitillo> it should be fixed now
<jaeger> Removed the old file too
<pitillo> perfect
<r0ni> excellent!