jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
<r0ni> I've done it. stole patches from arch-arm for nss and it builds and installs now
<r0ni> ok now time to take a proud nap lol
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<beerman> mh, i am missing messages here it seems. but i would say its very safe to say to always ignore new, most ports that i do are designed to make use of that, which are a lot
<r0ni> I am curious if anyone has succeeded in build/installing nss 3.90 on aarch64. the port consistently fails for myself. I ended up making a local port with Archlinux-arm patches to nss 3.89.1 and that builds/installs and works as well, but even 3.90 with the Arch patches fails to build for me
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<r0ni> core-arm64/dbus - opt/dbus -- i'm not sure why there is a arm specific dbus port?
<r0ni> the config is the same
<r0ni> https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/xiph/opus/pull/267.patch the opus package needs this patch applied
<r0ni> else it fails to build on arm
<r0ni> I feel like i'm in no mans land out here like no one has even tried building any of this stuff lol
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<sajcho> r0ni: You are not alone here. I work for nss-3.90. Try adding to Pkgfile -> export CC=clang CXX=clang++ . I don't know why but it works.
<sajcho> Changed nss/coreconfig/config.mk. I think I prefer clang.
<r0ni> hrm i'll check it out
<r0ni> building llvm right now working my way to firefox
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<jaeger> I don't use my arm devices too often, so not building them constantly
<r0ni> oh i get it, no blame or anything, if i wasn't setting up a device i likely wouldn't notice 90% of this either
<r0ni> this is all prep work to eventually boot up natively on m1. crux or maybe gentoo is a perfect use of all this speed (i'm too lazy to learn gentoo, and I've already started down this path)
<r0ni> i also should not have decided firefox was the next thing i'd do.... the deptree for it is like half the distro's package set