pfff let's see if the third try is fine and it is the last one... thanks sajcho
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I hate to say it, but inside the aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.personality file there should be "Triplet: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu". Just for the record.
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pffff.... fixing it
btw, 8) mac mini m2 599€
but seeing what I'm doing... I dont deserve it
whoever is trying to go for firefox shall be warned btw. romster is very dormant, the port does not build right now on x86_64
i won't keep it alive, i can't care less about firefox. but expect to update at least all the wasi stuff to recent llvm version to make it work
and well, crux and crux arm share the same problem. there is not enough people to take care of it all. steady contributions are always welcome on both ends, I assume
probably more needed at CRUX as the parent distro... if CRUX isn't well maintained, it will affect both
i dunno..
both can need it individually for sure
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sure, but one supports the other
most people just consume.. there is a lot of other linux flavors out there already as well. i dunno whats the problem rly
ya i did notice that stuff is out of date... i'll look at it eventually (in the middle of my workweek currently)
tried for webkitgtk in the interim and that fails as well, so i have to look into that too
anyway i'll be AFK till sunday, I'll look at what i can then, we'll get this thang into shape eventually!