jaeger changed the topic of #crux-arm to: CRUX-ARM 3.6 Released! - http://crux-arm.nu/Documentation/ReleaseNotes3-6 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-arm/
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<r0ni> opt/python3-cairo needs to be added to opt-arm64, and the footprint file needs edit (it installs a file with the $arch in it)
<r0ni> pkg fails to install on aarch64
<r0ni> i should probably start doing PRs, likely be easier
guido_rokepo has quit [Quit: guido_rokepo]
<pitillo> thabks r0ni but I commited and reverted
<pitillo> I haven't seen that you were working on main instead of 3.7 branch
<pitillo> could you please create the PR for 3.7 branch?
<r0ni> oh sure, will do in a min. hadn't realized that
<pitillo> me neither xD
pitillo has joined #crux-arm
pitillo has quit [Changing host]
<r0ni> ok, pray I've done it correct this time around ;)
crux-arm-bot has joined #crux-arm
<crux-arm-bot> [ crux-ports-opt-arm64 ]: fix for pkg footprint fail, files differ on aarch64 (#29)
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<r0ni> seems so, woosh
<pitillo> great, now it should be fine
crux-arm-bot has joined #crux-arm
<crux-arm-bot> [ crux-ports-opt-arm64 ]: python3-cairo: update signature
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<pitillo> let's see if I didn't broke main branch with the revert
<r0ni> maintaining different branches for things is one of my highest additions to stress levels lol
<pitillo> jaajajajaja
<pitillo> here maintaining github stuff adds stress to myself too... but it's fine. The best way to let others help, maintain and show their work too... so it's fair
<r0ni> i'm locally updating the pine64 rootfs, I dunno if anyone has interest in those optimized builds as I see they aren't really kept up to date, but my pinebook has interest in it, so if anyone would like an updated rootfs, I can clean it up and share when done
<r0ni> ya github is the friendly enemy, I totally understand lol
<pitillo> should be there an optimized one at sourceforge
<pitillo> ah! you are updating it, sorry, missunderstood
<pitillo> I have probñems with kernel version and I wasn't able to boot a newer one... it was built right but I missed something in the boot peocess probably
<pitillo> have a good night! (time to go to sleep here)
<r0ni> i know the e2fsprogs update makes issues for almost everyone right now updating to newer systems. the initrd i had refused to fsck my disk so i'm trying to build things to work around that
<jaeger> I wanted to like the pinebook more but it has the worst keyboard I've ever used :/
<jaeger> (first-gen pinebook)
<r0ni> ahh i've never used that one, i have the pro and i don't mind the kb itself but it has issues with missed inputs and/or double-presses which infuriate me
<jaeger> Yeah, mine has those issues as well as just a really bad physical feel to it
<jaeger> Works fine when used with an external keyboard, of course, but obviously less portable that way. :)