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<Siegurd> Do I understand correctly that if GPIO2_6 is used with PRU1 then I can use GPIO2_8 from the system in the same time?
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<ds2> anyone if the 430 launchpad boards are dead now days? some of them seem like a lazy way to get an op-amp in plus some free glue logic
<set_> ds2: Hello!
<set_> Five years ago...I purchased some of them to handle specific learning techniques.
<set_> Since my onslaught of learning about the launchpad boards and their different ways of handling "things," the drivers (may or may not be needed now) seemed to give error.
<set_> ...
<set_> That was for the blinding drivers they supplied, though. Oh and I found that TI had some Energia source if needed...
<set_> I am not even sure they have updated that software package in a bit! Off to look around and douse me w/ more things to do!
<set_> Hunh. They still have energia but their git repo is "slow" or down.
<set_> ds2: Also, there was a couple of PHd people, just two people, from UT.
<set_> THey both were full force into making Launchpad boards come to life. TI probably hired them or gave some funding to the school and then those two fellows made it work!
<set_> The "main" dude, this PHd fellow, even wrote some books on the subject matter and made some light humored videos on one of those teach-me sites.
<set_> I learned some of their articulation tactics but mostly got lost in the Keil uVision 4 & 5 file rendering w/ their UART via USB tech.
<set_> Anyway. I hope that helps a bit. Which TIVA or Launchpad do you use?
<set_> That line about the UART...see.
<set_> It was hard for me to grasp at first. They wrote an entire driver for the board(s) used. A "simple" .h file full of everything...
<set_> GPIO and so on... each offset, each 0x4356 location w/ offset, and then tons more.
<set_> The Valvano fellow even had some ideas about transistors in chips (basics/xor and so on).
<set_> But it was all worth it... Good info, backed up data, and for the fun of it.
<set_> Yeppers. I see they still have that drivers page online.
<set_> It was telling me, "no."
<set_> The computer I commanded told me no and this was over some of the Engergia drivers for Win. I need to try Linux too!
<set_> The books go over some random make this, make that, but the real info/data for me was the offset education w/ the reading of bits and bytes.
<set_> I mean dang. Does anyone want to see that .h file?
<set_> Hello... H E L L O? Hello? Aw!
<set_> I guess that is better than a Aw and thud.
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