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<Siegurd> What is the best (accurate) scheme to connect NTC 10kOhm to AINx using op amp?
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<zmatt> Siegurd: if I google "ntc op amp" I get https://www.ti.com/lit/an/sboa323a/sboa323a.pdf ... ignore the example values, they describe the steps they used to derive them so you can adapt them to your situation. fill in the 1.8V supply voltage, the temperature range you're interested in measuring, and the linear voltage region of the op amp
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<zmatt> I very strongly recommend adding a series resistor between this circuit and the actual analog input pin of the beaglebone to compensate for AM335x Erratum 1.0.32
<zmatt> (e.g. 2 kΩ)
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<Siegurd> Thanks for advice! Yes, I saw this document. But I'm afraid to apply 1.8v VDD_ADC from BBB as VDD. There are 3 points of VDD on scheme and 2 in formula. Which should I change for 1.8 VDD_ADC from BBB?
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<Siegurd> found this one with Vref usage: https://www.ti.com/tool/CIRCUIT060090
<Siegurd> now everything is clear! Il make an table from equation so if anyone needs it - please let me know
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<Siegurd> nope, this schema and equation https://www.ti.com/tool/CIRCUIT060090 has 0 valid values of R2 and R3 (e96) for 10K NTC and 0..1.8V output range.
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<aswin> hi, my linux build fails to boot with a frozen log at "Starting kernel..."
<aswin> Any help
<aswin> solved!
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<set_> aswin strikes again!
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