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<set_> GenTooMan: Sabatoged is what happened. The gas laser works fine. Now, I can use it w/ a BBG!
<set_> Some "close" idiot decided to pull some wires loose. Bastards...
<set_> Anyway, w/out testing the connections and disabling the glued parts and wires, I would have never learned!
<set_> Argh.
<set_> There is one thing about the PSU. One line reads a little over 5v while the other line next to it reads a bit under 5v.
<set_> I remember the resistor at some point on the controller (Stellaris) w/ daughter card. This must have controlled the two iffy connections from the PSU...aw!
<set_> Do I have records. Hmm.
<set_> ? Dang it.
<GenTooMan> set_, so that person "incidentally" unwired things and you became unhinged?
<set_> Right and more than that, I did the unhinging w/out causing a more severe issue.
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<set_> It was not so much unwired as it was jammed in the housing so that the encasing of the wire was tightened instead of the wire.
<set_> Blah.
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<set_> I became unhinged so long, it was detrimental to life as we know it! Ha.
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<set_> I talk big but truth be told, it was a concerning issue. I could not figure out what could have happened. One day, nothing. It would not work.
<set_> So, GenTooMan, what is the deal w/ 4.91v and 5.21v on two separate wires and outputs?
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<set_> I do not understand.
<GenTooMan> they could be connected to anything unless you have the schematic it doesn't have any significant meaning
<set_> I mean...it is similar to handling poor judgment on builds for a PSU or there is a concrete example on why it is this way...
<set_> Right.
<set_> I do not.
<set_> It is their Non-Open Source build...
<set_> Something I may never figure out... I am trying to "reverse engineer" it as much as possible but you are right, just guess work now.
<set_> Too bad the co. will not work w/ me on it. I contacted them to affirm the need for understanding. Blah.
<set_> Big loss of a chance... They could have worked w/ an up and comer!
<set_> GenTooMan: I know what was connected as an end result.
<set_> So, the source was just controlling the offset of both pins (if that makes sense).
<set_> see what they did: https://imgur.com/a/FA3XcrU
<set_> ?
<set_> Blah.
<set_> I think those two pins just power the board at 5v. Ha.
<set_> Anyway, it is going to be fun!
<set_> It has six pin J-Tag?
<set_> eight pin!
<set_> It is funny. The test fire button on the PSU says TEXT. Ha.
<set_> Run for the hills! Bedtime!
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<set_> I am tryin' GenTooMan. It keeps circling in a loop...
<set_> I am getting closer!
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<GenTooMan> at least it isn't a downward spiral
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<set_> It is.
<set_> Down, down, down we go...Rabbit Hole (Check)...
<set_> Anyway, I contacted the "peeps" again and hopefully some constructiveness will be happenin'.
<set_> Try, try, try again says, "Thomas Train."
<set_> Ha.
<set_> Down to reality, though! I am almost there basically. The build is upon me. I think one more pin and it will work...
<set_> I may not even need the dual voltage, double pins from the PSU outside of what is available.
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