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<dinuxbg> zmatt: GCC's ABI is largely compatible with clpru but no 100%. It will likely stay that way. See
<dinuxbg> zmatt: How would you write lt3_u16 more efficiently in assembly?
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<zmatt> dinuxbg: ((u32)x - 3) >> 31
<zmatt> i.e.: sub tmp, r14.w0, 3 ; lsr r14.b0, tmp, 31 ; ret
<zmatt> (where tmp may be r14)
<zmatt> this works in general for (a < b) whenever the exact (non-wrapping) result of (a - b) is within INT_MIN .. INT_MAX
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<zmatt> dinuxbg: also, for unsigned a,b (or more generally a,b known to be non-negative) you can use "sub" to set the carry-flag to (a >= b) and use that in various ways:
<zmatt> that yields a 4-instruction lt3_u16 (including ret) so less efficient than the above but still more efficient than gcc's version using a branch
<zmatt> (hopefully I got this right, I didn't test it ;)
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