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<Siegurd> Hi! I have successfully launched PWM on a PRU, but I have a question regarding the ADC example https://pastebin.com/XsYEPkFU. Lines 184 and 248 say that this is about single mode. How can I switch this to continuous mode with the ADC frequency setting?
<Siegurd> Of course, I understand that I need to rewrite the part of main where it waits for a message to be received from the HOST and calls the read_adc() function.
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<Siegurd> After setting ADC_CLKDIV to 0 and STEPCONFIG1_bit.MODE to 1, I get about 140 KHz ADC 1 channel reading frequency. Is it normal? (I togle gpio in a while loop before and after ADC reading and track gpio via oscillo)
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