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<zmatt> Siegurd: setting ADC_CLKDIV to zero is forbidden
<zmatt> iirc it should be set to produce a 3 MHz clock, I'd need to check the clkdiv value for that
<Siegurd> This is my code that gives me ~140kHz ADC reading frequency.
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<Siegurd> When I change the ADC_CLKDIV value from 0 to 1, the ADC reading frequency is divided by 2 and becomes 70kHz. So I thought this was a working solution
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<zmatt> see the comments in adc.dtsi regarding how the configuration affects the sample rate
<zmatt> Siegurd: minimum value permitted for clkdiv is 7
<zmatt> (resulting in 24 MHz / ( 7 + 1 ) = 3 MHz adc clock)
<Siegurd> Yep. Setting ADC_CLKDIV to 7 gives 200KHz F
<Siegurd> Should I use ADC_TSC.STEPENABLE_bit.STEP1 = 1 in a while loop for ADC channel 5 continious reading or before?
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<zmatt> uhh normally you don't need to touch STEPENABLE after initialization
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<Siegurd> Can I create array: uint16_t ADC[20000]; in PRU to send it to ARM via RPMsg?
<Siegurd> Or should I use Shared Memory to PRU interact with ARM?
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<dinuxbg> Siegurd: RPMsg has something like 512 byte limit per transaction. Either you need to send your array in chunks, or use shared memory.
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<Siegurd> @dinuxbg Are there any exapmles how to write and read shared memory data from PRU and userspace?
<Siegurd> I found this example but there is only PRU side of shared memory
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<Siegurd> can pru_rpmsg_send() be used without pru_rpmsg_receive()?
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