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<set_> @zmatt: Okay, thank you.
<set_> and right, polling and read are similar in this manner.
<set_> write seems to be the only one that does not get any warnings so far.
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<Siegurd> Can I use PRU0, PRU1 to read 6 ADC channels and ad7771-mcasp0.dtbo in same time?
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<aswin> Hi, How to compile the mainline kernel for BBB? What is the config file name?
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<set_> aswin?
<set_> There are a couple books out there w/ this info. and I think if you search the u-boot docs. or maybe the kernel too, you will find it.
<set_> I know the kernel has tons of ideas relative to the am335x and boards like the BBB.
<set_> I looked not too long ago. I found many ideas in u-boot, the kernel(s), and random books...
<set_> maybe beagle_defconfig?
<set_> If you come back, aswin, I will check.
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