<set_> ds2: Like me? Yeppers!
<zmatt> that's unnecessarily derogatory. it's really not that trivial for newcomers to wrap their head around how dts works, and being able to enable pre-made fragments of dts is in practice quite useful
<zmatt> more importantly, it avoids having to rebuild your custom dts every time you update the kernel
<zmatt> that alone is reason enough for me to use overlays on a bbb even though I'm perfectly well capable of building a custom dts
<zmatt> and of course they're also used to allow for capes to work plug&play, and it's difficult to envision how you'd achieve that without overlays
<set_> Oh.
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<ds2> zmatt: actually, as messy as board files were, it would have been much much easier for beginners to dig into so IMO, it is a poor band aid for a poor choice of doing things. But then I don't think there should be 1 binary kernel and infinite number of dtbs ever.
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<NishanthMenon> ds2: mmm... distros like debian?
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<ds2> 3
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