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<Tamarinen> dinuxbg: Even after config-pinning P9_22 as gpio, I couldn't read the pin state using the PRU. Before I managed to figure out what I did wrong (the state was perfectly readable through /sys) I realized that P9_22 also can be configured as pru_uart, and then becomes CTS, a perfectly viable substitute for a gpio pin in my case. Even better, PRU UART CTS has a read latency of 14 cycles (not sure if it varies), while gpiochip0 has at least 38
<Tamarinen> cycles, plus occasional extra latencies due to power management and other hardware stuff. So, a win, all in all. And I can read it.
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<hnv> Using the BBB as I2C slave, I'm missing the first byte apparently. The rest of the communication works fine. (I'm trying to reverse engineering a very temperamental master so I had to use something like the BBB, to try/program/cycle combinations of i2c answers fast)
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<Tamarinen> So, I can read P9_22 fairly fast configuring it as PRU UART CTS. As it is UART2 RX, though, any serial port buffer chip on that would interfere with the signal, and thus it would be more, so to say, "compatible" to use P9_21, UART2 TX, as input. Both RX and TX are connected to the Grove connector on the Beaglebone Green I use, and thus easily accessible from the outside. Thing is, though, that PRU UART RTS, which it is connected to in PRU
<Tamarinen> UART mode, is output only. In mode 5, it is connected to PR1_EDIO_LATCH_IN, which is an input somewhere in IEP. But if I interpret in correctly, that input goes straight into the IEP, and is not directly accessible for reading by the PRU?
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<hnv> `cat /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-1/of_node/status` shows `okay`, and pinctrl-names = "default", but I can't find if it's assigned to any pins. Should I write an overlay only for the pins?
<hnv> (but I should define the phandle anyway)
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