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<Guest4519> Hi
<Guest4519> I have some understanding issues with Pocket beagle bone connecting to a EC-25 4G Modem
<Guest4519> Can anyone help me out in connecting the EC-25 Module with Pocket beagle bone using USB Interface
<outrageous> Guest4519: What specifically is it you need help with?
<Guest4519> I mean the connections, like the usb interface mentioned on the pins in P1 port pins, i cant able to get a succesfull connection
<Guest4519> Though i connected, it could not able to detect the Drivers
<outrageous> hmm
<outrageous> are any USB ports live under /dev/ttyUSB ?
<outrageous> i.e ttyUSB0, ttyUSB1, ttyUSB2, ttyUSB3 ?
<outrageous> Also, are there any LEDs that indicate that the modem is powered?
<Guest4519> No, USB ports are not live, I mean i didnot connected any
<Guest4519> The modem is powered, i made it powered
<outrageous> So there are no ttyUSBX listed under /dev/ ?
<Guest4519> There are ports like ttyUSB0.1,2,3
<outrageous> ok, then it may be live
<Guest4519> but the specific driver associated with the modem is unable to detect,
<outrageous> Familiar with minicom?
<Guest4519> Yup
<outrageous> I'm not aware that you need a driver
<Guest4519> When i do the same in Beagle Bone Black, it detects promptly
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<outrageous> it shows up in the desktop environment on BBB?
<outrageous> I've about 50 BBBs with EC-25s and have never heard about drivers or anything. Also only use them with cli
<Guest4519> Yes, I used minicom with BBB rev c , it detects, but the same i cant able to do in Pocket Beagle bone, that is were i see that any connection issue at my side
<zmatt> what you're saying is confusing, if ttyUSB* devices are showing up that would imply the modem is successfully detected, which would mean any remaining issues would be software issues (e.g. a different kernel than you've previously used)
<Guest4519> I will check again zmatt, Let me see the kernel , Thanks
<outrageous> Guest4519: Using minicom, are you not able to get some kind of a response from the modem? I usually use ttyUSB2 for debugging.
<Guest4519> Yes I cant get response of the modem,
<zmatt> I still have trouble imagining how ttyUSB devices could show up yet the modem doesn't respond, considering the kernel has to successfully communicate with the modem at usb level for those ttyUSB devices to show up
<zmatt> what does lsusb show? and the kernel log? (don't paste into chat, use a paste service like pastebin.com to share logs or other multi-line output)
<zmatt> also, just in case, how exactly did you hook up the modem to the pocketbeagle? for reference, here's a summary of relevant pins: https://pastebin.com/nJCbVsaA and two example hookups: https://photos.app.goo.gl/e1663vMMDnEmGZaR6 (a "proper" one with usb power switch vs a simple one powered from the pocketbeagle if the power requirements are modest enough... the second one would also work if the ...
<zmatt> ...pocketbeagle is itself usb-powered instead of powered via P1.01)
<zmatt> (note: where those diagrams show connections to ground I mean any ground pins of the pocketbeagle. some nearby ground pins are listed in the pastebin)
<zmatt> also keep in mind that usb is a high-speed bus (480 MHz) so just using some long jumper wires is an invitation for signal integrity issues
<zmatt> anyway, afk
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<outrageous> I've not tried the Pocketbeagle.
<outrageous> This is what our current setup is like with the EC-25 modem. https://pasteboard.co/1gzDlenTRXYJ.jpg / https://pasteboard.co/XWhow6MyeUDt.jpg
<outrageous> The modem is soldered on the larger PCB, under where the BBB is mounted. The modem is connected to the BBB via the stubby bridge between the physical USB ports. We're not very experienced with PCB design so I imagine this takes a lot more space than necessary, but that's not a particular concern in our case. Needed to size the enclosure large enough for a decent lead acid battery, which
<outrageous> left space to waste for the boards. We have thought about creating our own one-board solution but this solution has worked fairly well (3rd version of "product") so we've not yet bothered. Interesting to think about, that the BBB has been around for more than a decade now. I've been fiddling with it since it was fairly new and I still love it.
<Guest4519> Ok outrageous, I understood. Let me try my luck as zmatt, told some test points, Thanks for the information outrageous
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<Guest4519> zmatt, I checked in Minicom , I see no ports.
<Guest4519> Checked dmesg also, but no info about driver recognized
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<zmatt> Guest4519: if the modem is not detected as usb device then most likely the way you hooked up the modem to the pocketbeagle is at fault
<zmatt> oh, or DT
<zmatt> presumably the pocketbeagle needs a DT overlay to enable the usb host port
<zmatt> Guest4519: for clarity, a minimal pocketbeagle usb hookup would be something like https://pastebin.com/4tMKchp2
<Guest4519> Maybe zmatt, I followed your image at right side of the picture
<Guest4519> No luck still
<zmatt> yeah that's the same hookup, the pastebin is just slightly more clear about ground
<Guest4519> I did not see that still zmatt coming
<zmatt> weirdly I see no standard overlay to configure usb1 as host... there is one for otg which I guess might work but configuring it as host would definitely be preferred
<zmatt> just in case, I just added a usb1-host overlay to my overlay-utils project: https://github.com/mvduin/overlay-utils
<zmatt> use 'make usb1-host.dtbo' to build it (or just 'make' to build all overlays), optionally copy it to /lib/firmware/ (it doesn't really matter where it's located) and configure its path into one of the uboot_overlay_addr4...7 variables
<zmatt> if you already configured an overlay for the usb port, maybe try mine instead
<zmatt> if you didn't already configure an overlay for the usb port, well that explains why no usb device was detected ;)
<Guest4519> (y)
<zmatt> afk
<Guest4519> I'll try that zmatt,
<Guest4519> zmatt, there are dtsi files, i need to generate a dtbo file?.and then execurte what you mentioned.. its been longtiime doing this.
<zmatt> Guest4519: I literally told you how to build the dtbo
<zmatt> and it's also in its README
<Guest4519> ok ... Some confusion arised
<zmatt> ?
<Guest4519> Done..
<Guest4519> its generated
<Guest4519> I'll copy into SD card.. and try it in Pocket BB
<Guest4519> afk
<zmatt> note that this overlay is safe to use on normal beaglebones, it just won't do anything (since their usb1 port is already enabled as usb host port)
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<Guest4519> (y)  @zmatt
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