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<set_> I am back!
<set_> There is so much going on, I have not had time to make things up! Anyway, I am goin' back to teknic motors w/ their SDK to try again (some day but no today)...
<set_> I hope everyone is doin' well.
<set_> I am...I am doin well. I can breathe and walk thankfully.
<set_> Anyway, back to the BBB, i.e. and other related hardware!
<set_> Just an update here. The business that employs me got hit by lightning. Ha.
<set_> Server down!
<set_> Anyway, now there are dangling wires everywhere when I mow.
<set_> Ha. double ha.
<set_> Wish me luck!
<set_> Speaking of the stuff, has anyone used the Tag Connect w/ a BBAI-64 yet?
<set_> I grabbed one and personally have not used it yet. I need to learn CCS and the wiring for the debugger.
<set_> Then, maybe I can finally be proud of what @zmatt teaches me! Just kiddin'. I already am. Ha.
* set_ says, "And yes, I know I am kissin' up!" Who knows when an experienced person may provide some type of supportive rhetoric?
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<set_> Not mattb0ne. He done left?
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<Guest60> [ 0.000000] TI gptimer clocksource: always-on /ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@31000
<Guest60> [ 0.000023] sched_clock: 32 bits at 24MHz, resolution 41ns, wraps every 89478484971ns
<Guest60> [ 0.008116] clocksource: dmtimer: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 79635851949 ns
<Guest60> [ 0.018464] TI gptimer clockevent: 24000000 Hz at /ocp/interconnect@48000000/segment@0/target-module@40000
<Guest60> [ 0.031315] Console: colour dummy device 80x30
<Guest60> [ 0.035925] printk: console [tty0] enabled
<Guest60> [ 0.040280] printk: bootconsole [earlycon0] disabled
<Guest60> with further debugging found that; kernel is rebooting while "calibrating delay loop..." inside this function;
<Guest60> calibrate_delay_converge()->calibrate_delay(void)->main()
<Guest60> any help on the same is appreciable.
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<NishanthMenon> set_: (replying to your question on tag connect with bb-ai64)
<zmatt> of the various low-cost jtag debuggers in my collection I still like the xds100v2 the most by far, in no small part due to its cpld which not just acts as a level shifter but also keeps all target I/O high-impedance until both xds100v2 and the target are powered and the target-power-loss flag has been cleared by software
<zmatt> (thanks to which I can safely hotplug it without causing a glitch on the target reset line)
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<set_> NishanthMenon: Thank you.
<set_> I need to check my model of debugger.
<set_> I am going to look at k3ocd too.
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<set_> I see I need additional cables. Dang it. I thought I had it covered. I may use loose wires instead of the connector...
<set_> I will test soon at some point.
<set_> @zmatt: I got the xds110.
<set_> It handles the BBB and k3.
<set_> I think this is why I purchased this one, i.e. both are accepted.
<set_> I am still reading and following along the long process of learning. So...
<set_> Hmm.
<set_> I may be wrong. In CCS, it shows the j721e being accepted by the probe but I just went through some more docs.
<set_> They do no have it listed. Omap?
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<set_> or is it davinci?
<set_> J721E/DRA829/TDA4VM - Cortex A72 Embedded Processor ?
<set_> See, I go to CCS and it is listed, i.e. not as BBAI-64 but as the target processor.
<set_> The docs. help w/ the BBB but not the j721e for whatever reason or maybe I have not made it that far in the docs.
<set_> Off to read!
* NishanthMenon wonders what is wrong with openOCD
<set_> Nothing most likely...
<set_> I picked TI's debugger for no reason (to test it basically).
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<Guest53> Hello everyone. I'm extremely new to the BeagleBone(s), I just got an BeagleBone AI-64 and it's my first time experimenting with such hardware. I just have a quick question if that is ok? Thanks in advance!
<Guest53> I'm booting image from SD card, I managed to set it up - my issue is that after I've installed everything BeagleBone is working fine (and fast) but after I start VS Code the speed drops significantly (to the point that it takes a minute just to register a mouse click). I understand that it might be a bit too much since environment is being ran
<Guest53> inside docker container and I'm left with only about 800MB free space (I only had 32GB SD card at hand). I tried searching for a reason why is it slowing down but I didn't find an answer to it (sorry if I didn't look long enough) - does anyone have any ideas? Is it the fact that I'm only left with 800MB, or do I need to configure something? Is
<Guest53> docker container the issue here, should I try running the project without docker? Like I said I'm brand new to this so sorry in advance if my guesses are far off or if I'm missing something obvious, any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
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<set_> Guest53: I think bb-code-server comes preinstalled.
<set_> If not, apt install bb-code-server. It is a light weight VS Code versus the entire versioning.
<Guest53> Thanks! And Docker container ran inside the bb-code-server shouldn't (if using "plain" VS Code was the issue here) cause additional problems?
<set_> I am not sure exactly.
<set_> Docker Containers sometimes work well.
<set_> I used many docker containers before today. But...just not on the BBAI-64. I ran donkeycar on the AI-64, though. They have a venv instead of an entire container.
<set_> I think something as large as VS Code would contain many programs not exactly suited for aarch64 arch.
<set_> Guest53: It is hard to tell. In a paste, please list your commands.
<set_> This way, maybe someone can replay what was happening on your end w/ one of their boards.
<set_> For instance, sudo apt install _____.
<set_> Or docker build ______.
<set_> Guest53: about bb-code-server. There is a few people maybe working on this idea.
<set_> Anyway, you can go to the and find more relevant ideas or you can pitch in and make some pull requests too!
<set_> brb
<Guest53> Thank you so much! I will try using the bb-code-server first and if the problem persists I will list the commands in a pastebin. I would try it now but I disconnected BB since I have to head out of the office in a couple of minutes. I will save your responses and start from there.
<Guest53> Thanks for the git idea, I didn't even think of that - also I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna have anything to contribute for a while:D  . Thanks for all these tips!
<set_> no issue.
<set_> I try to help.
<Guest53> hopefully tomorrow I'll be back with a news that your idea solved the issue - either way, thanks once again for your time and effort. Good night and happy coding! :)
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<set_> Code it!
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<cappie> hi, I'm having an issue reading from the ADC on a Beaglebone black, `cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device0/in_voltage0_raw` just hangs and creates a process that can't be killed outside of resetting the board.  I was on kernel 4.19.94-r73, but tried updating to 5.10.168-bone71 but I still have the same issue.  Anyone know what could be going on?
<cappie> It is a new board with Debian Buster IoT Image 2020-04-06
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<ball> Was the PocketBeagle discontinued?
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