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<tigerxyz> Hi GoodMorning, I am trying to setup openvpn client (freeopenvpn server side), and got WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled.
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<llim> Hi zmatt not sure if you remembered, but you helped me out a little with the booting issues that I'm seeing with my bb wireless. I've gotten a usb-serial cable and am able to gain more info from the print logs, and am wondering if you could help me out? I'm seeing an exception stack error
<llim> The print logs are a bit long, but I'm hoping that it's ok for me to post it here for someone to take a look
<rcn-ee_> llim, can you dump that to pastebin?
<llim> rcn-ee_ How do I do that?
<rcn-ee_> copy string, hit "send" share us the url..
<llim> I've followed upon zmatt's suggestion to findmnt and saw those logs after doing so
<rcn-ee_> it really doesn't like the mmc..
<llim> Is the mmc not working? Any workaround?
<llim> Is this a hardware fault? This is a new board that I'm working with
<rcn-ee_> sorry, i'm not aware of the context of your previous questions.. it might already be fixed:
<llim> Ah, thanks! I'm guessing it's the bone-eMMC-flasher-debian.img.xz file? Do you mind letting me know which one is it for the bb wireless?
<rcn-ee_> anything with a bone- prefix is good for the BeagleBone Black Wireless
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<llim> Ok, I'm guessing that it's similar to the image releases on the official page, that those with the flasher labels on them flashes from the sd card to eMMC?
<rcn-ee_> correct, -eMMC-flasher- will automaitcly flash the eMMC on first bootup with no changes required to the microsd.
<llim> Thanks again, rcn-ee_ I'll give this a try. If it's not too much trouble, briefly, what did this fix do?
<rcn-ee_> llim, idk what the issue is, i'm hopeing it was something "we" already fixed between 2020.04.06 and 2021.07.09.. if it's not fixed, we should see something similar with the new image..
<llim> Ah ok, got it. If this fails, would downgrading the version to older images work? I just wanted to know if it's a software/hardware issue, and do not need the latest image as I'm an absolute beginner, and just need the bb to follow the lessons in a textbook that I have
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<zmatt> this is really bizarre though
<zmatt> it's getting a bus error in power domain transition logic?
<zmatt> like, what?
<zmatt> I really wish the kernel's printing of bus errors didn't suck so bad
<llim> rcn-ee_ zmatt Flashing the new image did not seem to fix it. I'm still seeing the same issue. I'm inclined to believe that the hardware's broken at this point, especially if you have never seen this error before...
<zmatt> llim: so you're saying that you were *able* to reflash it? successfully?
<zmatt> like, it didn't crash while flashing?
<llim> zmatt Yes, I think so, let me paste the latest logs.
<zmatt> since that makes things infinitely weirder
<llim> This is the logs while flashing
<zmatt> actually I remember that the last thing I suggested wasn't flashing (since that seemed pointless if it didn't even boot from SD card), but testing a different SD card
<llim> This is a new sd card that I'm using
<zmatt> as in, a different one from last time?
<llim> Yes
* zmatt scratches head
<llim> These are the logs when powering on again, with the sd card removed:
<llim> It did print 2021 image, so I'd think the flash is successful. Also it spews out garbage in the end, then it shows up as an unrecognizable usb device
<zmatt> o.o
<zmatt> I think there's only one logical conclusion: ghosts. your beaglebone is literally haunted.
<llim> Omg, that's not helpful ;)
<llim> I spent 60 on this, I'll need to get new hardware
<zmatt> I guess request an RMA? because it really does seem like this beaglebone is defective somehow
<zmatt> even though I don't really understand how or what's going on
<llim> Oh I can do that? I bought it through Arrow
<zmatt> you'll have to contact arrow
<llim> About three months ago, but I only got around to messing with it now
<llim> Do I include the chat logs here for evidence?
<zmatt> I don't know, not sure what the impact might be of the 3 months delay
<llim> It'll be great if I can get a refund or something, it's my pocket money. I'll reach out to them.
<zmatt> I'm sorry you had such an unfortunate first experience
<zmatt> I've really never seen anything quite this strange
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<llim> zmatt Thanks again for all your help and time, really really appreciate it. Coming from the lower-level microcontroller world, I'm not familiar with the linux environment
<llim> But having your input is really assuring!
<zmatt> hey, you could treat the am335x like a really oversized microcontroller... kinda ;) I've written tiny baremetal programs for it
<llim> That's what I'm keen on learning! Just need to get over this hump ;)
<zmatt> well, baremetal programming on the am335x is something very very few people do, generally speaking people run linux
<llim> Oh ok, then I didn't quite know what you mean then, I was keen on learning this as I want to write more abstract software, get away from register level programming actually
<llim> Why would you do baremetal programming on this though?
<zmatt> mostly for fun, to get to know the SoC better
<llim> Ah ok I'm a long, long way from this, still need to get the bb to boot! ;)
<zmatt> well technically you have, it just crashes immediately after boot :P
<zmatt> I'm still baffled by the fact that it *doesn't* do so while running the flasher... like, what's different? what's happening during normal boot that's triggering the crash?
<llim> No idea, it's just sitting cozily on my desk, non-metal surface either, to be sure
<llim> Anyway, I'll be contacting arrow, if you have a brainwave let me know ;)
<zmatt> and your latest crash looks absolutely nothing like the crash you showed to rcn earlier
<llim> I've ran this a couple times, the log I showed rcn is actually an anomaly
<llim> It did spew garbage like this earlier too, when I log in then do nothing afterwards
<llim> In the earlier image, it's just prints wkup_m3_ipc 44e11324.wkup_m3_ipc: could not get rproc handle error then crashes
<llim> This newer image got a bit further with all the other OK prints
<zmatt> presumably how far it gets depends on the mood of the ghosts
<llim> Ghosts in computers, that's new :b
<llim> It could just very well be a section of eMMC read is corrupted
<llim> Maybe write to eMMC in that section is ok,, but not read idk
<zmatt> but didn't it crash just as badly from SD card?
<zmatt> (with a normal bootable SD card rather than a flasher)
<llim> Actually I've not tried that out while printing the logs, I'll try that out now
<zmatt> I wonder if it's somehow triggered by userspace bringing up the wifi chip... like, that's something that happens during normal boot but not during flashing
<zmatt> that still doesn't explain how or why that could trigger a crash, but still
<llim> I should have sticked with just the bb, I did see people having issues with the wifi chip when googling around trying to solve me issue
<zmatt> we have two BBBWs here for testing, they seem to run quite stable (even if the wifi occasionally reconnects)
<zmatt> but yeah, generally I'd prefer Ethernet over wifi whenever it's an option
<zmatt> oh btw, with the bbbw don't forget to rotate the antennas outward like this:
<zmatt> they're rotated inward over the pcb just for shipping
<llim> Ok, noted thanks for pointing this out! If I ever resolve the issue, and I really hope I do, let me buy you a cup of coffee. Hold me to that!
<zmatt> I don't drink coffee but thanks ;)
<llim> Beer? You've been helping me for free...
<zmatt> no worries, I appreciate a good mystery ;)
<llim> Yeah, something weird going on, I just tried booting from sd and am kind of seeing the same issue, no garbage printing, but can't communicate with the bb after logging in for a while
<llim> all usr leds are off this time
<zmatt> so still a full crash, just again in a slightly different way
<llim> yes it appears to be the case
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<mattb0ne> is there a way for the PRU to write to a GPIO pin
<zmatt> each pru core has high-speed direct gpio available (e.g. that's what the quadrature decoder uses), but pru can also read/write normal gpios (though changing their direction from pru is not recommended)
<zmatt> (for a list of which pru direct gpio is available on what pin: )
<mattb0ne> thanks
<mattb0ne> another question moving from a linux box to a windows box and running python should not be a big deal right
<zmatt> I mean, that'll depend on what the python script is doing
<zmatt> I'm also not really the person to ask, I don't use windows
<mattb0ne> one more for you
<mattb0ne> so I only have one ethernet port on this computer
<mattb0ne> i do not need anything special to have my beaglebone ssh into the same port as the ethernet? So I was going to go to the store and buy a touter
<mattb0ne> router
<zmatt> if you already have a network you're plugging into but don't have an extra socket available for the beaglebone to plug into, just get an ethernet switch
<mattb0ne> ok
<zmatt> (not a router)
<zmatt> you can find 'em for less than 10 bucks
<mattb0ne> cool
<zmatt> note: if you're plugging it into an office or university network you may want to check with network administration instead
<zmatt> (also, if plugging into a network shared with other people, you may want to take some basic security measures such as changing the password and disabling unnecessary services, and probably change the hostname from "beaglebone" to something more specific, in case you're not the only one doing something with a beaglebone
<zmatt> )
<mattb0ne> lol good point though I am pretty sure I am safe in this setting
<zmatt> and the "check with network administration" thing is because connecting additional devices to an office or university network may require permission, and plugging an extra switch into such a network may not be appreciated
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<mattb0ne> lol our IT is notorious for that
<mattb0ne> let me open a ticket
<zmatt> if you have an IT dept then it is their responsibility to get your beaglebone a network connection
<zmatt> "where can I plug it in?"
<mattb0ne> they are saying to get a usb-ethernet adapter.
<zmatt> ??
<zmatt> for what purpose?
<mattb0ne> and use that rather than a splitter seems like not the way to go
<zmatt> if your only goal is networking between the beaglebone and your pc then all you need is the included mini-usb cable
<zmatt> if you want your beaglebone *on* the network (to be able to connect to it from different computers and/or to provide internet access to the beaglebone) then you need a network connection for the beaglebone
<zmatt> in neither case if a usb-ethernet adapter of any use whatsoever
<mattb0ne> right
<zmatt> *is
<zmatt> so if that's their response you either misexplained or they misunderstood
<mattb0ne> equal likelihood of both being true
<zmatt> so what *is* your actual goal here>
<zmatt> ?
<mattb0ne> move my application off my personal computer on to the schools computer
<mattb0ne> so it is a wired comp
<mattb0ne> i was using wifi
<zmatt> I'm confused, how is the beaglebone connected currently?
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<zmatt> ... or not
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<shodan45> don't want to be "that guy", but is there a ballpark ETA for the BeagleV?
<tpw_rules> relatedly, does anyone know to whom i can give money for one?
<shodan45> since I'm dumb, I'll answer my own question: Q4
<mattb0ne> WINDOWS SUCKS!!!
<mattb0ne> i would imagine the decreased performance going from linux to windows is the higher overhead on windows?
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