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<CCFL_Man> zmatt: no poll. i just wanted to see if something was wrong
<CCFL_Man> i'm rewriting the image to my sd card
<CCFL_Man> should an 8GB linux image be a fat file system or some ext file system?
<zmatt> ext4
<zmatt> single partition
<zmatt> that's the case for all images
<CCFL_Man> ahh, ok. it won't be readable on my mac then
<zmatt> extremely ancient images have a fat boot partition in addition to the rootfs partition, but it hasn't been like that for many many years
<zmatt> correct
<CCFL_Man> ahh, wow
<CCFL_Man> i think Pi images are still FAT
<zmatt> I don't really know anything about the rpi boot process... other than that the boot cpu is actually the videocore ("gpu") rather than the ARM processor
<CCFL_Man> wow, thanks for letting me know. i did not know that either
<zmatt> heh, yeah the rpi is not an ARM-based SoC, it's a VideoCore SoC with an auxiliary ARM subsystem
<CCFL_Man> i wanted to do soundcard development on the BBB. a fellow from TI wrote a driver for an audio A/D converter. i want to lay out a board and see if i could get the driver working in alsa
<CCFL_Man> oh wow
<CCFL_Man> i may have copied the image to the sd incorrectly. i use /dev/disk2s1 instead of /dev/rdisk2
<zmatt> that won't work
<zmatt> you should consider using Etcher
<CCFL_Man> yeah. i'm trying it the right way now
<CCFL_Man> ok
<zmatt> (etcher.io)
<CCFL_Man> oh, even /dev/rdisk2 ?
<zmatt> ?
<CCFL_Man> the latest etcher won't run on osx 10.10
<zmatt> oh, annooying
<CCFL_Man> i think i should use /dev/rdisk2 as the device
<CCFL_Man> s1 is wrong
<zmatt> yes, write to the entire disk, not to a partition
<CCFL_Man> ok
<CCFL_Man> brew has balenaetcher but macports doesn't
<CCFL_Man> macports seems to break on older versions
<zmatt> apparently Electron dropped support for 10.10
<CCFL_Man> oh bummer
<zmatt> you could try downloading an older release from https://github.com/balena-io/etcher/releases/
<CCFL_Man> thanks
<zmatt> it seems the 10.10 drop happened somewhere between juli last year and may this year
<CCFL_Man> ok, i'll look for the latest one with 10.10 support
<zmatt> and hooking up an audio ADC to the BBB should be fairly straightforward, though writing a suitable DT overlay is not completely trivial
<CCFL_Man> there is a DT overlay in the source
<zmatt> for your specific use-case? it sounded like you were doing something custom
<CCFL_Man> well, the board will be custom, but it'll work as a standard ssoundcard provided the driver works
<zmatt> an ADC is not a soundcard
<zmatt> the "soundcard" will be your specific hookup of this ADC to the BBB
<zmatt> (along with details on how the ADC is being used)
<zmatt> which will require a DT overlay that declares these details to the kernel
<CCFL_Man> right, the soundcard would be the top board
<CCFL_Man> capes, i think they are called, right?
<zmatt> yeah (no idea why)
<zmatt> well, your board combined with the audio interface controller (McASP) on the BBB
<CCFL_Man> i have the eval board of this ADC. i wanted to make an adapter board cape that connected the evaluation board
<CCFL_Man> ahh
<CCFL_Man> gives some examples
<zmatt> sounds fancy... can't you just use jumper wires for prototyping?
<CCFL_Man> i can do that, yeah, but i'm not sure how that'll work for higher sample rates
<CCFL_Man> like 384k
<zmatt> why on earth would you want to use that samplerate... are you doing stuff with ultrasonic?
<zmatt> like, for audio for humans there's not really any reason to use anything higher than 48 kHz
<CCFL_Man> up to 100 kHz. it'll be used to capture radio signals
<zmatt> ah
<CCFL_Man> it'll basically be a SDR for the very low frequency band
<CCFL_Man> and the TI engineer wrote the driver using the BBB
<zmatt> I can imagine the BBB being convenient for prototyping
<zmatt> the default kernel is currently still 4.19 but there are packages for 5.x kernels (I noticed mention that that's what the driver targets)
<CCFL_Man> yeah, i'll need to use the 5.x kernel
<zmatt> in fact, this driver seems to be part of the 5.10-ti kernels, so you won't even need to compile it yourself
<CCFL_Man> but the hope is that i can get a working alsa driver. the board will just have screw terminals for connections to the radio receivers
<CCFL_Man> oh, really?
<zmatt> hmm, but not sure if it's enabled in the kernel config
<CCFL_Man> hmm.. that's true
<zmatt> (though if needed it's really easy to use rcn's build scripts to make kernel packages with tweaked config)
<zmatt> yeah it's not enabled in the config
<zmatt> CCFL_Man: in case it's of interest, I do have this document regarding the audio interfaces on the BBB (from a hw point of view; not all configurations described are supported by drivers): https://pastebin.com/raw/37Vr51Wr
<zmatt> (specifically, having the receive section asynchronous from the transmit section is not supported, so the rx hclk/clk/fs signals should be ignored)
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<zmatt> and I have this rather sparse outline for how to declare a soundcard in DT: https://pastebin.com/VmHHXagD ... I thought I had a more detailed example somewhere but if so I'm not sure where
<zmatt> and these notes on how to build a customized kernel package: https://pastebin.com/eLhrp1Hg (in your case you'd want the ti-linux-5.10.y branch of the https://github.com/RobertCNelson/ti-linux-kernel-dev/ repository)
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<CCFL_Man> zmatt: i grabbed all of those notes, thank you!
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<CCFL_Man> the third LED on the black, that flashes for the MMC?
<CCFL_Man> when the it's being flashed?
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