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[Discord] <johndemo> @igorpec After hours of tinkering, I decided to update the bootloader. Kernel 6.6.79 boots now.
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[Discord] <igorpec> Try 6.12 from this known to work bootloader
[Discord] <igorpec> So we get to know if it's kernel
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[Discord] <johndemo> kernel 6.12?
[Discord] <igorpec> Yes
[Discord] <igorpec> Build from my PR
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Some armbian mirrors are spitting out mismatched packages, anyone else who ran into similar issues?
[Discord] <igorpec> Make report on forums so we can investigate
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[Discord] <.grippy> @mecoblock on the AM69 + External GPU topic, that’s me on here
[Discord] <.grippy> A bit crazy with work stuff until Embedded World and I’m doing too many little projects but I have that setup with the PCIe riser ready to go. What’s the latest on what GPUs work best under ARM these days ?
[Discord] <mecoblock> A good indicator is always Nvidia (10XX) with proprietary and then open source driver if the first doesn’t work. I personally have tested a 3090 (3060 for example works on mediatek)
[Discord] <mecoblock> and for AMD it’s the RX 550-580 for consumer GPU's and RX 6400 and similar gen were confirmed working on the Radxa Orion O6
[Discord] <mecoblock> I can imagine that pre EW25 a lot is going on, skipping this year but maybe next year I'll go again too
[Discord] <mecoblock> Were you able to get display output with your RTX 3080 or did you just check for dmesg errors?
[Discord] <goose_10101> Well took me like 3 days to reinstall my OS after I destroyed my apt repository 😬
[Discord] <goose_10101> But I have begun my second armbian compilation, and I think I actually set up uboot correctly this time 🥳
[Discord] <igorpec> hey. For the Raspberry PI. For improving support in general - i think we need to improve this mechanism - https://github.com/armbian/configng/pull/451 Overlay management kind of works, but we need to implement parameter management too and do some testing with some addons.
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[Discord] <menu> is this one with PVE or without? i still need to integrate PVE into configng i’m just preoccupied with Nix/Darwin atm
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[Discord] <nexusguy59> No it's my PI 5 500
[Discord] <menu> so many pis
[Discord] <nexusguy59> Yes ma'am to many actually, I got carried away ...... 25 in total actually
[Discord] <menu> now that’s impressive
[Discord] <nexusguy59> 2 4 nodes swarms 1 - 3 node Kubernetes, 2 Promox Clusters as well
[Discord] <nexusguy59> 2 4 node swarms 1 - 3 node Kubernetes, 2 Promox Clusters as well