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[Discord] <johnthecoolingfan> @igorpec question on fastfetch and community builds. So the pretty name in `/etc/os-release` starts with `Armbian_cummunity`, right? If so I can see why it fails, and can make a fix. What's the display name we want? Currently the "mapping" is like this:
hey all I'm running a custom "armbian" whereby I'm running the armbian kernel/initrd for opi5 but stock debian bookworm userspace. I have some USB-related issues whereby if I utilize USB MSD devices heavily then keystrokes on USB keyboard get repeated and/or dropped. anyone has a clue what the problem might be?
it's almost like the kernel is locking up for perceptible amounts of time and xorg gets thrown off regarding the keystoke press times
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actually it turned out to be some strange behavior of the usb hub - with the keyboard plugged directly into the opi5 there is no issue
... even if I, e.g., btrfs scrub at the same time
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[Discord] <alimbada> Hello. I've built a new kernel and installed it but it's a lower version that my current kernel (24.11.1 vs 24.11.2). How can I set which kernel to use?