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well I got the kernel headers installed in the end, and now have working WiFi dongle with out-of-tree module on my customized Armbian image ... hurrah
[Discord] <igorpec> great! Which out-of-tree driver are you using?
[Discord] <alimbada> Hello. How can I set which kernel to use at boot?
https://github.com/morrownr/88x2bu . reason I need an external wifi at all is bc the signal is too poor for the onboard or the onboard is somehow incompatible with my home's wifi installation (the onboard connects to my phone's hotspot just fine so I don't know what could be wrong; I had set the regulatory domain correctly btw)
the in-tree driver doesn't actually work properly. at least not last time I tried it. massively delayed packets and connection drops were experienced
[Discord] <igorpec> yeah, that is possible. i haven't done much testing
ah well at least now I have kernel headers in my image if I ever need them again, though it was not technically necessary to have them to get my wifi working
[Discord] <c0rnelius77> probs work better on the edge kernel. 6.6.y and rtw88 isn't all that great.
[Discord] <c0rnelius77> lots been fixed up since then.
only in linux there is a neat tradeoff between having working wifi and potentially messing up your filesystem
[Discord] <c0rnelius77> I don't have a BU for testing though. I tried ordering one, but mine turned out to be a 22CU
[Discord] <alimbada> How can I check if mesa-vpu extension is installed/active?
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