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hey all I got some kind of crash on my rpi5b. looked completely dead all LEDs off. I am using 20w power adapter is this insufficient? could this be brownout or something else?
[Discord] <igorpec> official PSU or just some?
just some
I also get occasional low voltage warnings in the system logs
apparently the cause can be decided with this: hexdump -C /proc/device-tree/chosen/power will be non-zero (probably 2) if this occurred on the previous boot - assuming that you switch the Pi on with the power button and haven't disconnected the cable.
it seems there are two types of brownout/undervoltage - first type is where the indicator led goes red and the system can be rebooted by pressing the power button - send type is where the indicator led turns off completely and the system is unresponsive until power cycled
both PSU and CABLE must be of appropriate specifications and quality to avoid problems
[Discord] <igorpec> Original psu is "hacked" to provide 5.2V or similar to compensate voltage drop on cable and connector.
I just upgraded to 65w power adapter and 3a cable of half the length of my previous cable. now I get the undervoltage warning only during boot, and not when I do stress -c 4
Feb 11 11:14:48 debian kernel: hwmon hwmon1: Undervoltage detected! <-- it is all good and well that this is reported, but is there any way to determine the severity of the undervoltage (e.g., in millivolts)?
[Discord] <Werner> A proper multimeter 😉
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ah well if it is nerfed to provide 5.2V I will have to buy the original PSU
[Discord] <potatoes919> The download links dont work
[Discord] <menu> @igorpec downloads have fallen over again!
[Discord] <menu> you’ll likely need to build the image yourself if you need it urgently, it would appear our download redirector is currently broken
[Discord] <Werner> meanwhile upgraded to 6.1.99
[Discord] <potatoes919> Should i use the vendor one?
[Discord] <potatoes919> What is the difference
[Discord] <potatoes919> I used noble current 6.12 kde neon kisak desktop
[Discord] <Werner> mainline support for rk3588 is still under heavy devlopment and far from feature-complete. If you want stuff working for now you have to use _vendor_ which is based on rockchip bsp code.
[Discord] <potatoes919> Thank you
[Discord] <potatoes919> Thats why i ask here
[Discord] <Werner> The answer isn't that simple. it depends. If you need server-like functionallity w/o a gui mainline is perfectly fine to use.
[Discord] <potatoes919> I want touchscren tablet desktop environemtn
[Discord] <potatoes919> So i download the kde neon image
[Discord] <Werner> I guess the image I mentioned above might be a good point to start with this journey
[Discord] <potatoes919> If you can recommend a de tell me friend
[Discord] <potatoes919> I read kde is good for touchscreen
[Discord] <Werner> No clue, sorry.
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[Discord] <Werner> If you run into issues board-feature-wise you can try to bump your kernel with these packages and `dpkg -` https://fi.mirror.armbian.de/.testing/5plus/
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[Discord] <Werner> If you run into issues board-feature-wise you can try to bump your kernel with these packages and `dpkg -i` https://fi.mirror.armbian.de/.testing/5plus/
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[Discord] <igorpec> downloads are fine on my side
[Discord] <igorpec> what do you mean - missing link for desktop image?
[Discord] <igorpec> that will autofix once new images are uploade, as name of the extension has been changed to none
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[Discord] <potatoes919> Too late
[Discord] <potatoes919> It works now
[Discord] <potatoes919> Can it fix wifi adapter not working after wake from sleep?
[Discord] <potatoes919> I also theres bug i cant hear any voices in youtube videos
[Discord] <potatoes919> I can hear all else but no voice
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[Discord] <menu> i forgot to properly note the error, it was something along the lines of “code should never reach this point”, redirector was having a wobble i think?