whitequark[cis] changed the topic of #amaranth-lang to: Amaranth hardware definition language · weekly meetings: Amaranth each Mon 1700 UTC, Amaranth SoC each Fri 1700 UTC · play https://amaranth-lang.org/play/ · code https://github.com/amaranth-lang · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/amaranth-lang · Matrix #amaranth-lang:matrix.org
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<cr1901> Did some optimizations on icache... down to 105 LUTs, 11 DFFs, and 4 BRAMs for direct-mapped. And also deployed using LiteX. SPI flash sequential reads are 7x times faster*, SPI flash random reads 2x faster. Basic memtest now completes 5-5.5x faster.
<whitequark[cis]> niiiiiice
<whitequark[cis]> good job
<cr1901> Tyvm :D
<cr1901> * This is not a real result. I forgot to bring out logic to disable caching on non-insn fetches to SPI flash region. Though maybe I should keep it and document "only use for read-only mem" or something...
* cr1901 crosses out "icache" and writes "dual instruction/read-only memory cache"
<cr1901> At some point I'll make a package for this or as an add-on to Sentinel
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