azonenberg changed the topic of ##openfpga to: Open source tools for FPGAs, CPLDs, etc. Silicon RE, bitfile RE, synthesis, place-and-route, and JTAG are all on topic. Channel logs:
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<Hammdist> so I managed to get started with the zybo board using only open source tools and a tiny bit of hacking here and there. I'm loading a quasi-FSBL through JTAG/GDB to initialize RAM and then loading u-boot, compressed bitfile, custom os kernel through JTAG and then having u-boot boot everything up. boot time is ~30 seconds now for a blinky but will
<Hammdist> get worse as more fpga resources are used and compression supposedly becomes less effective. I think it's still somewhat better than fiddling with sdcards or netboot. not sure if there is room to bump up the JTAG speed from the default 1MHz
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