azonenberg changed the topic of ##openfpga to: Open source tools for FPGAs, CPLDs, etc. Silicon RE, bitfile RE, synthesis, place-and-route, and JTAG are all on topic. Channel logs:
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<Hammdist> is there any support in open source for loading a program onto the SoC of a zynq fpga? and, preferably, being able to communicate between the soc and the fabric ...
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<Hammdist> ok so I'm finding it's complicated. if I understand correctly, on the SoC parts, one does not simply program the bitfile. Instead, the SoC boots first and programs the fabric, so everything must be embedded in a boot.bin file which can be generated using bootgen, which is open source
<Hammdist> still I'm skeptical that all these stages are entirely free of closed-source tools, would be good if someone could confirm one way or another
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<mwk> in a pinch, the zynq TRM does contain enough information to just generate a boot.bin yourself
<mwk> as in, I brought up the SoC with nothing but arm-gcc at one point, and used amaranth+vivado for the FPGA side; had ARM-FPGA communication working, too
<mwk> it did involve initializing a lot of registers myself though, and I didn't even try bringing up the DDR which would presumably be a bunch of Fun
<Hammdist> ah nice that's solid info, thanks. I do need arm-fpga communication, and I (hopefully) won't need DDR either
<Hammdist> maybe with u-boot in there I can boot a minimal kernel that can do the communication I need and even have DDR
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