azonenberg changed the topic of ##openfpga to: Open source tools for FPGAs, CPLDs, etc. Silicon RE, bitfile RE, synthesis, place-and-route, and JTAG are all on topic. Channel logs:
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<mwk> so if anyone is still interested in ancient CPLDs this decade: I finally got around to writing full reverse engineered docs for XC9500 down to bitstream level, enjoy:
<mwk> (XPLA3 and Coolrunner II docs to follow when I get bored enough)
Hammdist has joined ##openfpga
<Flea86> mwk: Nice work! I've used those chips commercially in a past life :)
<Flea86> Still have a CRII devboard somewhere
<Hammdist> hi all. anyone knows if PS <-> PL communication is possible with nextpnr-xilinx? I imagine the xdc file would refer to some "pins" that are connected in-die to the PS ... if I manage to find out what those pins are does it have a chance to work? or does this require additional RE that has not been done?
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<Hammdist> so I did some digging and apparently according to this most of the RE is done? it's possibly not known which AXI port bits go where, but that might possibly be soluble through sufficient trial and error