ChanServ changed the topic of #yosys to: Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite: | Channel logs:
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<|{ame> hello, when checking the code with verilator --lint-only, I get the following error
<|{ame> %Error-TIMESCALEMOD: lasoc.v:86:7: Timescale missing on this module as other modules have it (IEEE 1800-2017
<|{ame> Is there any way to remove it?
<|{ame> (I am using picosoc)
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<lofty> |{ame: verilator is parsing picosoc as systemverilog, but you should change it to parse it as verilog
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<|{ame> lofty: thank you. I tried  verilator --lint-only --default-language "1364-2005" --language "1364-2005" $(PROJECT).v but I still get the above error
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<so-offish> ERROR: syntax error, unexpected TOK_ID <- Is there a way to get Yosys to give me what token it's ingesting that's causing the problem, or more information?
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<whitequark> not as far as I know; the official recommendation is to run your code through something like verilator first
<whitequark> (ideally the Verilog parser would be improved, but no one who has seen the code wants to do that)
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<so-offish> whitequark: Oh that's an excellent idea; I'll work that into my workflow
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