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<alessioigor> Lately I have this problem during image generation: pseudo mkfs.ext4 -F -i 8192 [...]/rootfs_root.2.ext4 -L root -U 7a4cbffd-28b9-4ca4-935a-58385933b867 -d [...]/rootfs returned '139' instead of 0
<alessioigor> | output: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
<alessioigor> kirkstone on Ubuntu 18.04
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<PhoenixMage> Afternoon all
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<Guest74> Hello, I have tried adding libcamera to my yocto image by adding "IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " libcamera" to my local.conf and bitbaking it. But when I try to cross-compile using cmake I get the it cannot find the libcamera package, I have tried using the cmake function find_package() and the pkg-config function pkg_check_modules() but neither of them
<Guest74> have managed to find libcamera. What have I done wrong?
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<coreyfarrell> can anyone tell me how to make recipe unconditionally rebuild? Right now my recipe which inherits core-image generates a file which is potentially different for every run, I want to ensure do_rootfs task is always run.
<manuel__> When I bitbake my package, can I have bitbake tell me in the shell wether it took the package from the sstate-cache or built it anew?
<manuel__> I know it likely puts the info in some .log file in the work dir, but having that info on stdout would be more convenient
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<coreyfarrell> tgamblin: that appears to be working, thank you!
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<vvn> Is there a (dunfell) syntax to set variables for a given recipe task?
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<rburton> vvn: VARIABLE:pn-RECIPE:task-TASK
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<vvn> rburton: so VARIABLE_pn-RECIPE_task-do_compile_somemachineoverrides = "FOO" for Dunfell?
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<vvn> Actually, that is something that needs to be fixed upstream. Can the recipe do something like VARIABLE_task-do_compile_somemachineoverrides = "FOO"?
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