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<LetoThe2nd> yo dudX
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<landgraf> is there a way how to build different rootfs/images and combine them into single image (wic file)?
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<Guest46> Hi Guys. Im trying to build grpc (1.4.3) example . But im unable to find grpc_cpp_plugin anywhere in my build files . I have used recipe.
<Guest46> any suggestions? Thank you . And im on yocto 2.2 so using old grpc version
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<LetoThe2nd> landgraf: essentially multiconfig?
<landgraf> LetoThe2nd: Yes. thanks slide 14 is my case
* landgraf is going to RTFM
<kayterina[m]> Hello, a git repo that builds locally with autotools should it be made into a yocto recipe using "inherit autotools" or "inherit cmake"?
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<LetoThe2nd> kayterina[m]: if it builds with autotools, it sounds very much like "inherit autotools", don't you agree?
<kayterina[m]> Sure. It is this chapter in the manual that I am confused: "5.21.3 Building an Autotooled Package", it says: "Applications built with the Autotools such as autoconf and automake require a recipe that has a source archive listed in SRC_URI"
<kayterina[m]> if the recipe builds in "git/" directory and has an empty build/, that is a case of autotools-brokensep?
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<LetoThe2nd> kayterina[m]: no, it is a case of setting S. look into any recipe that uses git, usually S = ${WORKDIR}/git
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<__ad> is it possible to use eudev in place of systemd-udevd in kirkstone ?
<__ad> i am getting an error adding eudev
<rburton> yes, assuming you've turned off systemd. hard to help without knowing what the error is.
<__ad> eudev was skipped: conflicting distro feature 'systemd' (in DISTRO_FEATURES)
<__ad> so i should remove whole systemd ? eudev seems to be os independent
<rburton> if you want to use eudev then by definition you don't want systemd
<rburton> considering eudev is a fork of the udev in systemd
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<__ad> uhm, is udev only a part of systemd ? can't be disabled just systemd-udevd ?
<rburton> if you don't want systemd then remove it from your DISTRO_FEATURES (its not on by default, so you added it) and then you get eudev
<__ad> mm ok. So eudev is a "whole" systemd replacement ?
<mcfrisk> __ad: no it's not, but it conflicts with systemd which requires normal udev.
<rburton> if you want a udev-like tool then your choices are eudev (traditional init) or systemd-udev (systemd). asking for systemd init with eudev isn't sensible.
<__ad> mcfrisk: rburton: ok clear, thanks
<kayterina[m]> How do I choose to make a recipe from a .tar.gz over the git repo? Does the repo suggests frequent changes?
<__ad> (seen now requirements asks fir sysvinit, so good :)
<rburton> kayterina[m]: official tarballs are smaller and easier to mirror so i tend to prefer those
<RP> JPEW: I found that linux-yocto-rt issue. It was a bad recipe (v86d)
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<embetrix> Hello, I have defined the following bitbake variable:
<embetrix> TF_A_CONFIG ?= "nand sdmmc"
<embetrix> TF_A_CONFIG[nand] = "STM32MP_RAW_NAND=1"
<embetrix> TF_A_CONFIG[sdmmc] = "STM32MP_SDMMC=1"
<embetrix> TF_A_CONFIG[emmc] = "STM32MP_EMMC=1"
<embetrix> TF_A_CONFIG[spi] = "STM32MP_SPI_NOR=1"
<embetrix> How can i get a field of the variable in bitbake ?
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<TRO[m]> PACKAGECONFIG set in an image is not possible for a recipe contained in that image, right?
<rburton> TRO[m]: correct
<rburton> embetrix: d.getVarFlag("TF_A_CONFIG", "nand")
<kayterina[m]> is there an example of a recipe using multiple licenses? there are 3 license files in the repository and the source code itself has some files under apache2.0,some BSD-2, some BSD-3
<kayterina[m]> *not license files, there is a COPYING, a LICENSE and a copyright in the repo
<mcfrisk> is bitbake-diffsigs usable to anyone? It's "NOTE: Starting bitbake server..." for ever on my trivial master branch setup..
<qschulz> kayterina[m]: you can have multiple entries in LIC_FILES_CHKSUM if that is your question/
<qschulz> You can have binary operators in the LICENSE field too
<rburton> kayterina[m]: many in core. just list them all in LICENSE in the appropriate form (is it apache *or* bsd, or apache *and*), then list them all in the checksum and ideally some summary of what files are what license (like a readme fragment that explains the licensing)
<embetrix> it works I think only when using python, I would like to use it like this :
<embetrix> do_compile() {
<embetrix>     if [ -n "${TF_A_CONFIG}" ]; then
<embetrix>         for config in ${TF_A_CONFIG}; do
<embetrix>             oe_runmake -C ${S} BUILD_PLAT=${B}/${TFA_DEVICETREE}-${config} d.getVarFlag("TF_A_CONFIG", "nand" )
<embetrix>         done
<embetrix>     fi
<embetrix> }
<rburton> ${@d.getVarFlag("TF_A_CONFIG", "nand")}
<rburton> i hope you're prepping a patch for the tf-a recipe in meta-arm :)
<rburton> or do we need to put another layer on the list of 'other places that have a tf-a recipe'
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<embetrix> this one is working but I would like to have the second field from config variable:
<embetrix> do_compile() {
<embetrix>     if [ -n "${TF_A_CONFIG}" ]; then
<embetrix>         for config in ${TF_A_CONFIG}; do
<embetrix>             oe_runmake -C ${S} BUILD_PLAT=${B}/${TFA_DEVICETREE}-${config} "${@d.getVarFlag('TF_A_CONFIG', 'nand')}"
<embetrix>         done
<embetrix>     fi
<embetrix> }
<rburton> write a little function to do the parsing for you and call that instead of d.getVarFlag
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<embetrix> "${@d.getVarFlag('TF_A_CONFIG', d.getVarFlag('config'))}" is not working
<rburton> you meant d.getVar() for the second one
<rburton> at least i guess
<rburton> d.getVar("FOO") gets the value the variable. if FOO="bar", returns 'bar'
<rburton> d.getVarFlag(name, flag) returns the value of the named flag. FOO[fish]="dog" and d.getVarFlag("FOO", "fish") returns "dog"
<embetrix> yes sorry you are right I got them mixed up
<embetrix> but what is the right way to use it :   ${@d.getVarFlag("TF_A_CONFIG", d.getVar("config"))} and "${@d.getVarFlag("TF_A_CONFIG", ${@d.getVar("config")})}" are not working
<rburton> what is this 'config' varable you refer to
<rburton> oh you don't need the ${@} inside
<rburton> ${@ ... } is expand-this-python
<rburton> once you're inside you don't need to ${@} again
<kayterina[m]> rburton: the readme-like fragment that lists the files and their licenses is inside the repo (unibuild-packaging/deb/copyright). Is listing this file and its checksum enough?
<rburton> embetrix: oh i see your example above. expanded python at parse time for obvious reasons doesn't have access to bash variables at runtime.
<rburton> ${@} expansion happens when the shell script is *written out* so it can't see bash variables
<rburton> kayterina[m]: yeah ideal
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<JPEW> RP: ah, excellent
<JPEW> RP: I'll miss the meeting today; have to go to the openssf meeting to talk Yocto+SPDX
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<cperon> Hello, I have two recipes that both should set some iptables rules. What the better to set this? there is no kind of iptables.d rules folder?
<RP> JPEW: no problem, sounds like a good thing to be doing!
<RP> JPEW: if you've no objections to the two remaining patches, I think I might merge things and enable by default for poky
<JPEW> RP: ya they look good
<JPEW> Weird that removing a DEPENDS fixes the recipe
<JPEW> :)
<embetrix> rburton it measn that combination of getVarXX are not possible ?
<RP> JPEW: spdx "encodes" the DEPENDS but sstatesig was ignoring it
<JPEW> Ah, makes more sense
<JPEW> It wasn't broken in general, just for spdx
<rburton> embetrix: you can't access bash variables from inside python evaluation, no
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<JPEW> RP: is there a way we can ask sstate if a dependency is ignored?
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<JPEW> Or include that in taskdepdata?
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<RP> JPEW: that is basically what that function in does
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<jclsn> How do I correctly add the DEBUG flag to EXTRA_OEMAKE? I am too stupid
<jclsn> Tried EXTRA_OEMAKE += "-DDEBUG" and EXTRA_OEMAKE += "DEBUG". The latter seems to use it as make target then
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<jclsn> Well, EXTRA_OEMAKE += "DEBUG=1" apparently, but then the recipe fails, because it can't find the files in the release folder. Stupid atf
<rburton> jclsn: this is why your BSP should use the TF-A recipe in meta-arm
<rburton> BUILD_DIR .= "/${@'debug' if d.getVar("TFA_DEBUG") == '1' else 'release'}"
<rburton> magic!
<jclsn> rburton: Our recipe is an outdated version from NXP I suppose
<rburton> jclsn: yeah, tell nxp to stop that and use meta-arm
<jclsn> They updated it in latest releases, but the first one is spagehetti code^10
<jclsn> Will have a look at meta-arm
<jclsn> You tell NXP
<jclsn> Like they would listen to me ^^
<jclsn> I think our board doesn't support the ARM CoT anyway
<jclsn> I mean ARM tries to unify secure boot for ARM, but NXP is cooking their own soup like always
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<roussinm> is this syntax correct? it doesn't seem to work when I setup the PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/psplash = "plymouth" probably because of the `-` instead of the `/` was it intentional?
<landgraf> hmmm. looks like LICENSE_FLAGS_ACCEPTED is not populated in multiconfig or I'm doing something wrong :(
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<jclsn> rburton: How would I change this to replace all occurences of "release" here
<jclsn> I want to write a .bbappend that does that
<jclsn> Like a search and replace for the do_compile function only
<jclsn> Ah use a variable. Get it
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<jclsn> But I have to do it in the recipe which is upstream. meh
<rburton> copy-paste the task
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<jclsn> It is horribly long, but well there is no other way I guess
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<RP> rburton, jonmason: a rare sighting of the lesser spotted green meta-arm build: :)
<rburton> lol
<jonmason> troll
<RP> thanks for fixing it :)
<amsobr> Hey all. I'm building a nodejs project using bitbake. Thing is, some of the dependencies needed for the build are actually listed in "devDependencies" and it seems that even if I provide a shrinkwrap file generated with NODE_ENV=development, only the "depends" turn out to be populated in node_modules when I attempt to build the package.
<amsobr> So while I can patch the packages.json to work around that, I'm wondering is there's any OE trick I can use to also pull the "devDepends" os package.json into the work area...
<amsobr> err, "devDependencies", I mean... :)
<rburton> maybe the tool should pull in those deps for the build
<vvn> Do I recall correctly what we have a phytec dev in this channel? :)
<amsobr> humm, not sure if I follow. The way I tried is to set NODE_ENV=development, run npm install and get the shrinkwrap, under a container with the same node version as OE (node:16)
<vvn> s/what/that/
<amsobr> I can see that the shrinkwrap contains the needed libs, under "devDependencies" as well so I assume this might be why they don't end up populated when building under bitbake.
<amsobr> running devshell and checking node_modules it turns out that the devDependencies aren't present.
<amsobr> Anyway, no big deal, it's workable with a patch on packages.json
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<beroset> For the SRCREV variable, the description says "Note that if you want to build a fixed revision and you want to avoid performing a query on the remote repository every time BitBake parses your recipe, you should specify a SRCREV that is a full revision identifier and not just a tag."
<beroset> I know what a tag is in the context of git, but what is a "full revision identifier"?
<rburton> beroset: a SHA
<beroset> Does that mean a specific git hash or something else?
<rburton> yes, a full hash
<beroset> OK, thanks for the confirmation.
<beroset> Maybe an example there might be useful?  Or perhaps a link to a definition for "full revision identifier"?
<rburton> changing it to use the git terminology of "sha1 object name" seems sensible. fancy sending a quick patch
<rburton> ?
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<beroset> That would cover the case for git.  I don't know about current versions of subversion, mercurial and bazaar.
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<beroset> I'm thinking perhaps a parenthetical like this:  "a full revision identifier (e.g. the full SHA hash in git) and not just a tag."
<rburton> sounds good
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<mason> smooge: o/
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<beroset> OK, if I did everything correctly, there should be a patch in the email list.
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