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hello, hopefully quick question - I'm developing for an STM32MP135 processor, and have a question on GPIO pin configuration persistence throughout boot stages - I've changed the UART4 RX pin to an alternative location in U-Boot DT configuration, but it looks like the old location (from earlier boot stage?) was still configured in the GPIO
registers, therefore taking priority over my change (maybe because the original pin's bank is lower numbered)
is there some guidelines for whether GPIO registers are supposed to be reset before entering the next stage of booting, or are they supposed to be left at their last state when handing over the control down the line?
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is there a handy way to see clock rates or do i have to modify the source?
It requires the clock driver for your particular device to implement the clk_ops.dump func though
I found a dts file I hadn't updated for my board in optee-os. I'm now aware of these locations containing .dts files: tf-a, optee-os, u-boot, linux. Can I be missing anything else?
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anyone remembers if rpi5 has ethernet support?
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