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<qschulz> apalos: https://paste.ack.tf/260a55 RK3399, PX30 and RK3588
<qschulz> RK3588 has a CPU reset regardless of MEMINFO symbol being enabled or not
<apalos> sng: ^^
<qschulz> note that we have some special handling in Rockchip for closed-source TPL to detect how big the DRAM is
<apalos> ah sorry thats the mmeinfo, not lmb sec
<qschulz> so maybe we did something wrong there
<apalos> So, what happens if you look at the memory map, is that not all pages are RWX now
<apalos> Only the load space
<apalos> U-Boot is mapped as RW^X, RO, and RX
<apalos> and ESR says you are overwriting RO memory (0x9600004f)
<qschulz> https://elixir.bootlin.com/u-boot/v2025.01/source/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/sdram.c for RK3588 (and other SoCs with closed-source TPL, e.g. RK356x)
<apalos> but what am I looking on the logs?
<apalos> It's working in 2025.01 but not 2025.04?
<qschulz> apalos: without your patches, it reaches CLI
<qschulz> a517796cfa5 works reach CLI on RK3588
<apalos> but without my patches meminfo cant print all that stuff
<qschulz> apalos: all three logs are with your patches
<apalos> ah ok so there's a regression somewhere upstream ?
<qschulz> the last log is the same with or without MEMINFO symbol enabled (but with your patch applied)
<apalos> ok so the basic idea is working fine
<apalos> The whole point is that we now configure the mmu properly
<qschulz> if I use v2025.04-rc1 (your base; without your patches), the last log reaches CLI (but obviously no meminfo)
<apalos> So before that wrting a const char * was 'ok'. Now it sint because it's actually RO memory
<qschulz> oof, so that's going to likely break "a few" boards
<qschulz> and essentially, we'll discover plenty of new bugs :)
<apalos> yes I know, but I think its time we went past 1980 and actually configure the memory correctly
<qschulz> or bugs that exist and weren't caught
<apalos> qschulz: the CI also blows up on 1 qemu test, for the same reason
<apalos> *someone* on the tests is writing RO memory
<apalos> i just havent found time to track it and send an RRC
<apalos> RFC*
<qschulz> apalos: can i easily figure out where the code that triggers the abort is?
<apalos> yes do an objdump -dS u-boot and search for a4b3b4
<qschulz> because the next line that's supposed to be printed is PMIC: RK806, and it's not like I wrote that driver :D
<apalos> or an address that's close to that, ELR is the address you should return to after the exception is handled
<sng> qchulz apalos is this about the issue seen with pxe, or is it to do with the mmu configuration?
<apalos> completely different,
<qschulz> sng: what we're discussing today is wrt mmu conf, not pxe
<apalos> I already ping someone tolook at the pxe thing
<apalos> yea I pinged sng for the pxe stuff :>
<sng> apalos so this is some mmu related issue?
<apalos> sng: this is what my patches applied that reconfigure the mmu for proper page permissions
<apalos> I just asked for favor so we can test them on many hardware platforms
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<qschulz> apalos: ok, found the bug, will send patches soon. With my soon-to-be-sent patches on top of your branch, I get the following for RK3588 Tiger: https://paste.ack.tf/1bf004
<apalos> qschulz: ok, I think I need to send the RFC soon, since I suspsect there's a bunch of cases like that
<qschulz> apalos: yeah I'm afraid this may take a long while to merge :/ but we need to start some day :)
<apalos> qschulz: even the current patches are bit of a meeeeeh
<apalos> It only runs on arm calling an arch specific function
<apalos> But since we dont have an MMMU API in place, I think that's ok, and we can extend it in the future if more archs care
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<apalos> qschulz: are you maintaining rockpis btw?
<apalos> UEFI capsule updates are kind of broken but the fix is minimal
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<qschulz> apalos: no, don't even have any
<qschulz> if it's the Radxa ones you're talking about, just ping naoki :)
<naoki> well?
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<qschulz> naoki: apparently UEFI capsules broken on RockPi, don't have more info on that than what apalos said :)
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<naoki> qschulz: Just a few hours ago I wanted to remove the CONFIG_EFI_CAPSULE_FIRMWARE_RAW line from ROCK Pi 4 configs ;)
<naoki> I don't know what UEFI capsules is...
<naoki> then,
<naoki> good night :)
<qschulz> night night
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<sng> qschulz can you share the values of pxefile_addr_r and kernel_addr_r on your platform. when i try this on the qemu arm64 virt platform, i get a crash when the two addresses overlap when downloading the kernel
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<sng> qschulz okay, thanks. and from what address does the DRAM start
<qschulz> 0x0 IIRC
<qschulz> though the first 2MiB are reserved for BL31 use
<sng> qschulz yes i see CFG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE as 0x0
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<sng> qschulz i tried with the pxefile_addr_r at 0x46000000; kernel_addr_r at 0x44000000. with a 41MB kernel, I am not seeing these messages on qemu arm64.
<sng> qschulz maybe when are you working on the board, can you check the output of bdinfo before you have issued the pxe commands. maybe put the bdinfo command output in pastebin.
<qschulz> weirdly enough, if I interrupt and restart the transfer, everything's fine
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<qschulz> sng: is there some debug messages I could add to give you some hint maybe?
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<marex> qschulz: so with the Makefiles v3, are we good to go in ?
<marex> qschulz: as for TFA, sucks you won't be at fosdem, it would be good to get it going on rockchip too, soon
<qschulz> marex: Makefiles v3 I guess is fine, I won't review the three patches that are changing board C files
<qschulz> marex: too packed for me, ELCE is really the worse I can do in terms of number of attendees, busyness and "people packing"
<qschulz> I've been to FOSDEM once, not for me :)
<marex> qschulz: the crowdedness is indeed brutal
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<Tartarus> OK, whacked my local scripts to generate and save the junit files from pytest, posted a patch now so that gitlab will make it available to download (azure already does this)
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<dsimic> marex: the v2 of the "usbkbd" patch is pretty much done, I just need to write the patch descriptions and, of course, to test it all
<dsimic> as a "bonus level", :) I didn't stop at what we discussed, so there will also be a small surprise in form of some additional features, so to speak
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<dsimic> though, IDK is that worth calling a suprise, but we'll see :)
<dsimic> s/suprise/surprise/
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