Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2025.01 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2025.04 is scheduled for 07 April 2025 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<marex> Peng_Fan: hey, is the AQR firmware .cld file for the 10G PHY available somewhere ?
<marex> Peng_Fan: the AQR-G4_v5.6.D-AQR_Marvell_NoSwap_XFI_ID44834_VER2068.cld
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<pvl1> hi, i have an arm board which doesnt have jtag broken out. is my only option to create a device in qemu to debug why an ethernet driver isn't loading? i dont know if im not sure how to view the logs in the shell, but it didnt seem like enabling logging disclosed any more information over the uart
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<marex> pvl1: you can try and start u-boot from u-boot
<marex> Tartarus: how is the linux 6.13 DT update progressing ?
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<Tartarus> marex: I should probably just merge that today, yeah..
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<bryanb> hey sjg1: would you happen to know why we made gd->ram_size dependant on the physical address size?
<bryanb> I wanted to try to use the bloblist handoff to pass along DDR config info to the other boot phases but we're using an r5 to boot a 64b address space.
<bryanb> Wondered if you had any history or if it was something I could change ;)
<pvl1> marex I guess would that be issues to boot at the u-boot addr in the microsd im using?
<marex> dunno, try it ...
<marex> load <load address> ... ; dcache off ; icache off ; go <load address>
<marex> make sure load address matches TEXT_BASE in your .config
<pvl1> many thanks!
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<marex> https://www.nxp.com/products/iMX95 oh look, a typo, "encrpytion" :) ... paging Peng_Fan
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<Slimey> heh
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