Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2024.07, v2024.10-rc1 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2024.10 is scheduled for 07 October 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<zumbi> marex: I met alpernebbi at DebConf24, treat him well :)
<alpernebbi> hello!
<zumbi> o/
<alpernebbi> (it's been a while since I last contributed to u-boot, though)
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<lukapanio> Hi just "booted" u-boot as 2nd stage bl on samsung galaxy fold 5 (based on kailu sm8550) just need to double check reserved memory and simplefb config
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<lukapanio> Hi! narmstrong i am trying to get u-boot up on my Samsung Galaxy Fold 5 (based on kailua sm8550) but have some issues. 1st i tried current master branch from upstream and got very strange patter on screen that is unlikely to be caused by u-boot (https://imgur.com/a/5Qhp6xA) then i tried
<lukapanio> https://git.codelinaro.org/neil.armstrong/u-boot/-/commits/topic/sm8x50/v2024.07 and it just reboots sadly i dont have UART so any advice on alternative way of debugging is highly appreciated also may be there is something special i missed? I did pack uboot in the bootimg with my dtb build as part of u-boot and made sure bootloader is fine with it,
<lukapanio> also had to declare simplefb reservered region like "splash_region@b8000000" otherwise bootloader de-inits screen.
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<narmstrong> lukapanio: sorry for the reply delay but I’m afk for the next 2weeks, it’s the right branch, can you share the dt you use ?
<lukapanio> narmstrong i actually tried 2 of them minimalistic and full mainline one, here are both https://bpa.st/XOAA
<lukapanio> also after picing most of your and caleb's changes (exept ufs, usb and regs) on top of latest u-boot i get same strange pattern. What is suprising that putting while(1) in dram init after
<lukapanio> if (gd->ram_size)
<lukapanio>         return 0;
<lukapanio>  stopped it befor reaching strange patter on screen, but shouldnt it use memory base/size from 1st stage bl and return there right before my while(1)?
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<lukapanio> Ok did pinpoint that to  fdt != ALIGN(fdt, SZ_4K)
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<narmstrong> lukapanio: ok so can you somehow dump the running dt when Android is running ? And see how looks the memory node ? I had a lot of memory zones with weird sizes completely unordered, so maybe it’s related
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<luka177> narmstrong sorry for late reply, yes memory layout is mess, https://privatebin.net/?708afedc6159bd25#7PeTHhd78Wk1LrGJLG1uiib1EdVjMiR6rXq8rZQoUqgi here is dts decompiled form /sys/firmware/fdt
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<luka177> i did hardcode memory region
<luka177> and did some hacky print to fb
<luka177> and it seems like it hangs/crashe while realocating
<luka177> so ig still memory?
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