Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2024.07, v2024.10-rc2 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2024.10 is scheduled for 07 October 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<derRichard> Tartarus: how can i do that?
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<Cityjohn_> I'm trying to silence the boot sequence on a Rock5B from Radxa that uses u-boot but I can't seem to do so whatever I try. I only found one extlinux.conf and if I change the variables here it doesn't seem to silence my logging during boot sequence. Anyone have an idea on how this works properly?
<Cityjohn_> the env setting?
<quinq> Not sure I understand the question
<Cityjohn_> Sorry, I cannot set the environment settings using setenv because the command does not exist.
<Cityjohn_> Is there another way to set environment settings?
<quinq> env set
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<derRichard> Tartarus: u-boot continues to amaze me. really great docs! :)
<Tartarus> thanks, lots of effort from a lot of people
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<derRichard> Tartarus: i'm pretty sure i did not remove mkimage
<derRichard> is the master branch supposed to pass all tests?
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<Tartarus> So there's some other side effect of your changes
<Tartarus> Maybe something needs to be clear of what mkimage (that we built just now'ish?) is to be used and not found in PATH ?
<Tartarus> you should be able to replicate the problem locally too, in docker, the container is public and defined by tools/docker/Dockerfile
<derRichard> hmmmm
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