Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2024.07, v2024.10-rc2 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2024.10 is scheduled for 07 October 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<Forty-Bot> sjg1: do you have a more-recent example of that failure
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<Clamor> What is the purpose of sysinfo driver apart from getting board info, can it trigger dtb choosing or bard specific config. If yes, how to set this up?
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<sjg1> Forty-Bot: Which failure?
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<mahk> hi, how recv handling at phy devices (net/phy)
<mahk> i could not find such as definition for them, https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/blob/master/drivers/net/zynq_gem.c#L946
<mahk> for example https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/blob/master/drivers/net/phy/atheros.c , how is it handling the receiving packets, in which function?
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<Forty-Bot> sjg1: the one you emailed me about
<Forty-Bot> mahk: receiving packets is done in the netdev (mac) e.g. drivers/net/whatever.c
<mahk> but it doesnt include, e.g atheros
<mahk> for new driver structure with uclass, as i see it handles differently, but i couldn't grasp
<sjg1> It happens on -master for me
<sjg1> Forty-Bot: ^
<Forty-Bot> I'm asking because the log you sent me shows the failure in EFI tests, but they have been reorganized since then
<Forty-Bot> and I ran e.g. `ut dm` and didn't see that error
<Forty-Bot> mahk: what do you want to do?
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<mahk> just trying to understand new driver mechanism
<mahk> i couldn't get how uclass handling the receiving packets
<mahk> is there any reference code for it, i couldn't find then asked her
<mahk> here*
<Forty-Bot> mahk: U-Boot calls .recv and the driver either fills in a packet or returns -EAGAIN
<Forty-Bot> for example, that's e1000_eth_recv in drivers/net/e1000.c
<Forty-Bot> which you can tell because it's the .recv member of e1000_eth_ops
<Forty-Bot> which is the .ops member of U_BOOT_DRIVER(eth_e1000)
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<mahk> yes i got it for e1000 drivers, but others?
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<mahk> e.g atheros, there is no .recv definition
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<LeSpocky> is it possible to change parts of the dts used by u-boot from some env variable content?
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<dhruvag2000> @Tartarus: will this TIFS stub series make it in soon? https://lore.kernel.org/all/20240805142937.443737-1-d-gole@ti.com/
<Tartarus> Yes, I think I was just waiting for an ack on the verdin part
<dhruvag2000> I think we have that as well? https://lore.kernel.org/all/20240729115018.GA38030@francesco-nb/
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<pivi> Tartarus, dhruvag2000 : whoops, I'll have a quick look and ack it. sorry.
<Tartarus> OK, then soon
<pivi> dhruvag2000: I can give an explicit ack if Tartarus prefer
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<Tartarus> If you have time, please do pivi
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<pivi> done
<pivi> I just missed it
<Tartarus> Thanks
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<dhruvag2000> Thankyou!
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