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<marex> swiftgeek: if you have the kernel binary, you are legally eligible to matching sources
<swiftgeek> yep, but it's still heavily outdated even at time first of release :)
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<swiftgeek> lol the uboot version I have on device is one that didn't get built with option to automatically boot from SD
<swiftgeek> few versions before/after have it but that one in particular doesn't
<swiftgeek> I will need to load it into ghidra to make sure I guess, but at the very least key combination works
<swiftgeek> mbr looks not like what I expected, uboot is outside of partitions too
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<marex> swiftgeek: U-Boot is also GPL, so the vendor has to provide you with sources matching the binary
<swiftgeek> and so far everything matches
<swiftgeek> lol
<swiftgeek> so somehow it downgraded uboot to version I don't have
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<swiftgeek> welp at least it's one of the earliest version so I know that at least key combination will work
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<swiftgeek> k, jumping to bootrom with go works fine, `go 0x000082DD`
<swiftgeek> and since that doesn't appear in sources either, now I'm really sure eMMC (or some muxing with eMMC) is getting glitched
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<swiftgeek> works perfectly :D
<swiftgeek> and on newer build it autoboots from card
<swiftgeek> I just need to make it into oneliner
<swiftgeek> (magic string at an offset)
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<swiftgeek> echo -n 'HMS\0\0' | dd bs=512 seek=1 conv=notrunc of=/dev/sdX
<swiftgeek> added notrunc so it's easier to edit for making image
<swiftgeek> now I'm just missing a tree where USB works, hopefully nxp has that somewhere
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<swiftgeek> not entirely sure where it has USB in the source
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<swiftgeek> my goal would be to have console over usb gadget, if CONFIG_USB_TTY works like I guess would do
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<swiftgeek> though without docs
<swiftgeek> IMX50SDG.pdf would suggest that android package had uboot with working usb
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<swiftgeek> so hopefully I can make it into CONFIG_IMX_UDC and skip FFC sourcing
<swiftgeek> err
<swiftgeek> CONFIG_USB_TTY *
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<swiftgeek> jtag_rst_b is interesting
<swiftgeek> combined with uboot, SRC_SRSR could be used to indicate that reset cam from jtag rst pin, so if that is exposed somewhere on a testpoint
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