Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2023.10 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2024.01 is scheduled for 08 January 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<Forty-Bot> what happens if you program a page in nand flash twice after erasing?
<Forty-Bot> I know for nor flash you can program a page multiple times and incrementally clear bits
<Xogium> Forty-Bot: random guess, given that to write anything you need to erase, the second writing shouldn't have any effect
<Xogium> but, I might be wrong
<tpw_rules> i think the catch with NAND is the ECC data
<Forty-Bot> hm, yeah
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<xypron> Tartarus: Are there plans to migrate $fdtfile to use vendor directories. I guess in distroboot we would gave to search both with and w/o the vendor to emcompass older Linux versions.
<xypron> ... on armv7
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<diederik> If I specify 'fdtdir' in my extlinux.conf, will u-boot then find the appropriate fdt file in it?
<mps> diederik: it should if proper fdtfile variable is set
<diederik> and where is that set?
<mps> on about 8 of my boards types it works
<mps> fdtfile should be set by u-boot
<diederik> ah ok, thanks :)
<mps> if it is added to board on u-boot source, ofc
<mps> but most board have it set
<mps> in source, dir include/configs/$board_name.h
<mps> usually
<mps> also, it can be set in main config file for some boards
<diederik> excellent hints; many thanks for that!
<diederik> I'm currently looking at various Pine64 Quartz64 devices and I did find 'CONFIG_DEFAULT_FDT_FILE="rockchip/rk3566-quartz64-a.dtb"'
<mps> that is, if the fdtdir set to '/boot/dtbs' then this file should be in 'rockchip/rk3566-quartz64-a.dtb' under dtbs dir
<diederik> and now also find the others as they're set ing configs/XYZ_defconfig
<diederik> the fdtdir is set to (f.e.) "/usr/lib/linux-image-6.1.0-13-arm64/"
<mps> this is usually distro dependent, my fdtdir is usually 'boot/dtbs-$kver'
<diederik> does the fdtdir *have* to be on the same partition as the boot partition? IOW: would "fdtdir /usr/lib/..." work when /boot is on a separate partition?
<mps> for example 'FDTDIR /dtbs-sunxi'
<diederik> I'm using (and making images for) Debian and I'm trying to figure out how to configure u-boot-menu (which generates extlinux.conf)
<mps> I'm not sure if it possible to have ftdir on separate partition, I always put it on same partition where extlinux.conf is
<mps> I put everything needed to boot on first bootable partition, i.e. extlinux.conf, kernel, initramfs and dtbs
<diederik> I was looking at https://bugs.debian.org/868454 (from 2017) where it says it's problematic. I'm trying to figure out if that is indeed the case and/or whether that still is the case
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<diederik> u-boot-menu was modified as a result of that bug (but I wonder whether that is/was correct)
<mps> I didn't used debian for more than 5 years so I forgot how it works on debian
<mps> (off topis, and I remember that debian likes to complicate some things sometimes)
<mps> s/topis/topic/
<diederik> I can (probably) manage all the Debian parts; my issue is primarily unfamiliarity with how u-boot works
<mps> iirc debian u-boot maintainer is here
<diederik> yep, he is
<diederik> thanks a lot for your help :) Now I know I can make a unified image for 'all' arm64 devices (and dd the appropriate u-boot-rockchip.bin into it afterwards to make it specific)
<mps> diederik: maybe this guide could help you https://u-boot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/develop/distro.html
<diederik> I did read through that, but it only shows an example, but doesn't explain the settings and what their consequence is and what is needed and what not
<diederik> I haven't found a page which *says* what 'fdtdir' is. Based on the name I'm reasonably sure it's the Flattend Device Tree DIRectory. But I haven't found a place where that is documented
<diederik> (ignore the spelling errors from me ...)
<mps> btw, I noticed that nvme storage target missing in list https://u-boot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/develop/distro.html
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<diederik> It is mentioned in the "Upper-case disk type" list item (but not in the example)
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