Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2023.10 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2024.01 is scheduled for 08 January 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<marex> Forty-Bot: which series is that ?
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<Forty-Bot> but I don't know what vagrantc was referring to
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<marex> Forty-Bot: ooooh, nice !
<Forty-Bot> a real pain of a series though, since it touches a lot of stuff which is size sensitive and complex
<marex> Forty-Bot: and it is SPL, yeah, I feel your pain
<Forty-Bot> I am adding some tests, so hopefully I can catch my mistakes before they break anything
<Forty-Bot> but it's pretty effort-intensive
<marex> Forty-Bot: like any core plumbing :)
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<ukky> when sending v2 of the patch, with corrections, how do I reply to questions and provide patch v2 in the same e-mail?
<marex> ukky: git send-email --annotate -v2 -1 HEAD
<marex> ukky: how to reply to question, well, use email "reply all" functionality
<ukky> marex: My e-mail server is weird and I would prefer to use 'mutt' to prepare mail content, 'git send-email' might not work (never did it before)
<marex> ukky: whatever you used to send v1, use it to send v2, I don't think the patch got corrupted
<marex> ukky: people who use stuff like webmail end up sending corrupted patches, mutt probably doesn't suffer from that
<marex> please dont use yoda notation in code btw
<marex> the barrage of tests is impressive btw
<ukky> thats my point, I know what mutt sends and I can use vim to prepare the content. 'git send-email' is unknown territory for me.
<marex> ukky: git send-email starts $EDITOR and feeds the patch into it, so you can do one more round of review of it, and then feeds it into SMTP server you configure into it
<marex> ukky: so , basically the same thing
<marex> I think git format-patch -v2 -1 -o /tmp/ HEAD would do the same , then just import it into $EDITOR + mutt
<ukky> well, I have to use davmail to send e-mail via office365, it is not that simple
<marex> uh
<ukky> Do I send v2 as 'git format-patch -1'? just my latest corrections?
<marex> ukky: git format-patch -v2 should plug in the 'v2' part after [PATCH] for you
<marex> make sure you include changelog below the ---
<marex> and yeah, send the whole new patch
<marex> like ^ that
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<ukky> 'git format-patch -1' will not contain my v1 patch? Is it?
<marex> ukky: git format-patch -1 generates a patch from the topmost commit in local directory
<marex> ukky: like if you do ... git add -p # <add your changes> ; git commit --amend # add your changes to the topmost commit , then you can do git format-patch -1 -o /tmp/ and that will produce /tmp/0001-*patch file from the topmost commit
<marex> ukky: git format-patch does not do any email interaction, just try it locally
<ukky> What if I merged latest changes from origin/master on top of my v1 patch, as another commit?
<ukky> made 'git reset' and re-applied patches on top of latest HEAD
<marex> ukky: git rebase -i origin/master
<marex> ukky: if you merge stuff into existing branch, it would generate the topmost commit, which is likely something from the merge
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