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<ukky> how can I ensure that unit test is run in sandbox environmentt only? i.e. I want to fail the test on real HW
<ukky> found it, config SANDBOX
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<marex> ukky: why fail on real hw ?
<marex> real hardware also contains block devices
<ukky> marex: I would like to write a test case, but want to fail it on real HW as it actually screws up MBR record.
<marex> yes it does, use a throw-away drive then ?
<marex> or SD card or whatever
<marex> you do need to explicitly run the test anyway, so if you're concerned it corrupts a drive content, dont run it
<marex> I think the uboot-test-hooks already have something where you can specify which tests to skip
<marex> sjg1: ^
<ukky> we don't need a test case in this situation plus sandbox. On real HW we can just test with real 'mbr write' command, and then 'mbr verify'
<marex> ukky: the test should be identical and hardware independent, right ?
<ukky> imho, I was thinking about test case to test U-Boot code, not the real 'mbr write' functionality
<marex> have you had a look into test/cmd/ directory ?
<Forty-Bot> isn't there UT_TESTF_MANUAL
<marex> those tests invoke U-Boot commands (from code)
<ukky> 'mbr write' and 'mbr verify' are fully functional commands
<Forty-Bot> but I guess that wouldn't be automatic on sandbox...
<marex> ukky: except they dont work if you feed them 4 partitions, so, not really fully functional, right ?
<marex> I think that's the testcase you want to write here
<ukky> marex: yes, I checked test/cmd directory to see how/where a test would fit
<ukky> my idea of a test: declare single MBR partition, then 'mbr write', then 'mbr verify' and expect 'success' after all commands
<ukky> then declare two MBR partitions and repeat the test.
<ukky> then three MBR partitions and repeat.
<marex> you can always 'mbr write' and then read the first block of disk into memory and dump it (or run crc32 on it and compare the crc)
<ukky> with four MBR partitions current U-Boot will fail
<marex> that way you only test one code path at a time (assuming crc works)
<marex> ukky: that's why you wanna test the 4 partition thing with a fix in place, so it never gets broken again
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<ukky> what should I call a test then? 'ut test_mmc_mbr_write'?
<marex> test/cmd/mbr.c and then define whatever sub-tests using UNIT_TEST(...) , see fdt.c for examples
<ukky> in sandbox, there are 3 MMC devices declared: mmc0: 1MiB, mmc1: NNNMiB, and mmc2: 1MiB. Can I access any of those. mmc1 seems like refers mmc1.img external file.
<marex> => mmc list
<marex> => mmc dev N
<ukky> yes, I know, but any of those are available for 'ut' command?
<marex> ut just runs commands and collects their output
<marex> there is little difference in that aspect
<marex> whatever you can run in shell, you can also run within ut
<marex> ut_assertok(run_command("fdt addr -c", 0));
<marex> like that ^ for example
<ukky> but there might be advantage, for example, of using mmc1, as you can actually see what was written in the test.
<Forty-Bot> use whichever one you want
<Forty-Bot> the other mmcs are just there to test partition name parsing support
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<sjg1> apalos: A script that brings in a subset of the source code would at least give us something to compare against
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