Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2023.07.02, v2023.10-rc4 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2023.10 is scheduled for 02 October 2023 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<deathcamel57> Hey, I'm working on a U-Boot BSP port from 2010.06 to 2023.07.02. This port is for a HiSilicon SoC (hi3520dv200). I'm stuck with a lock up in `reserve_board` during the `memset`. If anyone could give a pointer in the right direction, I'd appreciate it so much.
<silurian_invader> deathcamel57: make sure the address range memset is trying to clear is valid
<deathcamel57> Thanks for the reply. It does seem like the memory location is bad. I'm honestly a bit confused about changing the memory locations, as it seems like most boards don't map the dram start until `dram_init_banksize`, and although `dram_init` is called before the hang, the other boards seems to only set `gd->ram_size` for the most part. Am I wrong in my understanding of this? How can I go about changing the start address
<deathcamel57> of memory?
<silurian_invader> are you using spl?
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<deathcamel57> No
<silurian_invader> you should be able to set SYS_INIT_SP_ADDR
<silurian_invader> to something like internal sram
<silurian_invader> if you don't have any, you will need to set it up in arch_very_early_init
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<deathcamel57> Am I missing something? `CONFIG_HAS_CUSTOM_SYS_INIT_SP_ADDR` enabled, and `CONFIG_CUSTOM_SYS_INIT_SP_ADDR` set to `0x81000000`, yet the `printf("\tLocation:\t%08lx\n", gd->start_addr_sp);` that I added still outputs `Location: 0fef6fb0`
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<silurian_invader> deathcamel57: if that's after relocation then U-Boot will have moved to the top of DRAM
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<fltrz> dumb question, when I get a Bad zImage magick! ; how is the magick derived and how does u-boot know what to compare it with?
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<fltrz> sorry "Bad Linux ARM zImage magic!"
<fltrz> also, was there a known problem when new features of ext4 arrived?
<silurian_invader> the magic is a constant value at a particular offset in the zImage
<silurian_invader> if it's wrong, that typically means there is no image at that address
<silurian_invader> the only issue I've had with ext is that metadata checksums aren't supported, so if you want U-Boot to have write support you need to disable them when creating the filesystem
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<fltrz> silurian_invader: I am following these instructions precisely: https://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv7/samsung/odroid-xu3 the first time the uboot (in the /boot directory of the image tarball) complained about unknown ext4 feature, so I redid the whole thing but with mkfs.ext4 -O ^metadata_csum /dev/sdX1
<fltrz> it stopped complaining about the unknown feature but now it complains about Bad Linux ARM zImage magic. I don't know if it matters, but I execute these instructions on an x86_64 system, is it possibly affecting the sd_fusing.sh script?
<fltrz> can I make uboot search for the location of the appropriate zImage magic?
<Tartarus> If it's not right something went wrong
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<marex> Tartarus: no kidding
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<marex> fltrz: load mmc 0:1 $loadaddr boot/zImage ; crc32 $loadaddr $filesize
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<marex> fltrz: compare with file crc32 computed on desktop
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<fltrz> marex: I can choose a random $loadadrr to test this, or must I know the "correct" one?
<fltrz> marex: Unknown command 'load' - try 'help'
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