LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
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<luca020400> LuK1337: I'm lost, where do I sign the fedora FPCA
<luca020400> it links to a page I can't access...
<LuK1337> in fas
<LuK1337> ?
<luca020400> it says signed
<luca020400> but it doesn't seem the case
<luca020400> xD
<LuK1337> yeah, shows signed on your profile
<luca020400> I forgot about my dns issues
<luca020400> gosh
<luca020400> lan uses google dns, wifi uses my modem, lan is default route and wifi is used for lan
<luca020400> why isn't it working...
<luca020400> dns cache got me good
<luca020400> the intento switch kickstand is really stupid
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