LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
<luca020400> luca020400-arch% sudo chown luca:luca luca
<luca020400> [sudo] password for %p:
<luca020400> why do I feel like I could somehow make sudo crash...
<luca020400> oh
<luca020400> I may know
<luca020400> locale
<luca020400> it's loading the resource string incrorrectly
<luca020400> it must be shitting on me
<luca020400> can't deal with it, will move to fedora
<LuK1337> for extra fun you can go with fedora 35
<LuK1337> xd
<luca020400> I guess I'll wait a bit
<luca020400> xD
<luca020400> gnome setup crashed
<luca020400> fucker
<LuK1337> btw i'm using chrome dev now
<luca020400> so what are the must do steps after install?
<LuK1337> cuz they finally fixed the issue i had
<LuK1337> on fedora?
<luca020400> yeah
<luca020400> no idea what it is up to
<LuK1337> add rpmfusion
<luca020400> fixed?
<luca020400> I heard they moved to wayland by defauly
<luca020400> so maybe it's a "won't fix"?
<LuK1337> uh, no. it's actually a fix
<luca020400> nvm
<luca020400> ok so free and nonfree shit lives there
<luca020400> quite bothering but coll
<LuK1337> fedora has nonfree too
<luca020400> gnome crashed
<luca020400> lol
<LuK1337> but rpmfusion has what fedora doesn't
<LuK1337> e.g. obs, nvidia drivers etc
<luca020400> how many times depmod runs...
<luca020400> ok I think it's done
<luca020400> what the hell
<luca020400> sudo doesn't like my password
<luca020400> caps lock
<LuK1337> must be sudo's fault
<luca020400> I didn't remember my kb didn't have a cool led
<luca020400> xD
<luca020400> do you use tainted?
<LuK1337> what's that?
<luca020400> afaik it's the fedora floss packages with nonfree/licensed software in it
<LuK1337> oh
<LuK1337> i don't think i do...
<LuK1337> wasn't aware of it until today
<luca020400> apparently it's just one codec
<LuK1337> tbh i don't even remember seeing it on rpmfusion
<LuK1337> but it is there
<luca020400> oj nvm
<luca020400> it's an example
<luca020400> maybe there's more
<LuK1337> tainted rpmfusion has 2 packages total
<LuK1337> lol
<LuK1337> gstreamer /w libdvdcss
<LuK1337> ah and non-free has broadcom and nouveau /w firmware
<luca020400> now chrome
<LuK1337> chrome?
<luca020400> well I'm installing it yes
<LuK1337> ah
<LuK1337> k
<luca020400> ok now android deps
<LuK1337> ehh clicked on magisk r/lineageos thread
<luca020400> guess I'll just sync and build
<luca020400> have fun
<LuK1337> and someone is talking shit about netflix again
<LuK1337> `I think Netflix is a good start. It literally has something better and automatically decays to 720p on untrusted devices.`
<LuK1337> lol
<LuK1337> netflix doesn't give shit about your device state
<LuK1337> it only cares whether you have L1 or not
<LuK1337> and if you don't then it drops res down to shit
<LuK1337> and it's kinda unacceptable
<LuK1337> because how is L3 android less trusted than chrome on my pc
<LuK1337> without any hacks i get 720p on chrome and 540p on L3 android
<LuK1337> with hacks i get 1080p on chrome...
<luca020400> so uhm ssh is dead
<LuK1337> enable it
<luca020400> is there a firewall by default?
<LuK1337> yes
<LuK1337> there's a rule for ssh
<luca020400> do I have to allow the port?
<LuK1337> oh yeah, you are using custom port?
<luca020400> no...
<LuK1337> so 22?
<luca020400> yeah
<luca020400> but I can't reach
<LuK1337> ufw allow ssh
<luca020400> ty
<luca020400> sudo?
<LuK1337> actually it's not ufw
<LuK1337> firewall-cmd something
<LuK1337> sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=ssh
<LuK1337> sudo firewall-cmd --reload
<luca020400> already enabled
<luca020400> good
<luca020400> maybe it's simply not reloaded
<luca020400> nope
<LuK1337> sudo firewall-cmd --list-all-zones
<LuK1337> do you have ssh service added?
<luca020400> yep
<LuK1337> netstat -tulpn | grep :22
<LuK1337> ssh is on
<luca020400> log says so
<LuK1337> and netstat?
<luca020400> oh wait
<luca020400> hostname didn't take effect
<luca020400> externally
<luca020400> can't even ping
<luca020400> so indeed a reboot was needed
<luca020400> hmm why is ssh-copy-id not working
<LuK1337> no clue
<LuK1337> never used it
<LuK1337> i always just copied public keys manually
<luca020400> I did copy it lol
<luca020400> do they need to be special keys?
<LuK1337> oh
<luca020400> .ssh/authorized_keys matches my local key
<LuK1337> or maybe not
<luca020400> so it must be not accepted by ssh?
<LuK1337> stat ~/.ssh
<LuK1337> stat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
<LuK1337> (yes, both)
<luca020400> ssh_home_T
<luca020400> both
<LuK1337> you need to have 775 on .ssh and 0600 on authorized_keys
<luca020400> yep
<luca020400> Access: (0775/drwxrwxr-x) Uid: ( 1000/ luca) Gid: ( 1000/ luca)
<luca020400> Access: (0600/-rw-------) Uid: ( 1000/ luca) Gid: ( 1000/ luca)
<LuK1337> i know fedora kinda deprecated ssh-rsa...
<LuK1337> but i doubt they did so
<LuK1337> for authorized keys
<luca020400> it says rawhide deprecated them
<LuK1337> current fedora doesn't allow using them for connecting
<luca020400> sooo
<LuK1337> but i doubt that sshd itself isn't allowed to auth against them?
<LuK1337> i personally switched to ed25519 anyway
<luca020400> I should switch as well
<LuK1337> yeah, ed is nice
<luca020400> ed didn't fix it
<luca020400> so \o/
<LuK1337> ssh -vvvv?
<luca020400> on it
<luca020400> are you kidding me
<LuK1337> maybe
<luca020400> different file name
<luca020400> so it simply didn't read it
<luca020400> xD
<luca020400> oh nvm
<luca020400> I don't understand
<LuK1337> uh
<LuK1337> did it try the key?
<luca020400> it did
<luca020400> error 51
<LuK1337> uh idk
<luca020400> debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password
<luca020400> hmm
<LuK1337> that's normal
<luca020400> debug3: preferred publickey,keyboard-interactive,password
<luca020400> but that's what my client only does
<luca020400> so it fails pubkey
<luca020400> debug1: Remote: Ignored authorized keys: bad ownership or modes for directory /home/luca/.ssh
<luca020400> ok wtf
<LuK1337> was talking about that earlier
<LuK1337> but it was ok?
<luca020400> it was
<LuK1337> actually
<luca020400> it resets to 770
<LuK1337> maybe public keys?
<LuK1337> *keys
<LuK1337> 770?
<LuK1337> why
<luca020400> chown: changing ownership of '/home/luca/.ssh/id_ecdsa': Operation not permitted
<luca020400> weird...
<luca020400> guess I'll start over
<luca020400> rm -rf .ssh will be it
<luca020400> works
<luca020400> ok no idea
<luca020400> what the fuck happened
<luca020400> I guess fedora doesn't have repo in their repos?
<luca020400> anyways no idea but before the modes were fine
<luca020400> I pasted them here
<luca020400> lol
<LuK1337> repo?
<LuK1337> you want to use google repo tool from dnf?
<luca020400> why not
<LuK1337> hm
<luca020400> arch has it and updated \o/
<LuK1337> idk
<LuK1337> i always used local one
<luca020400> aosp downloaded, now let's do r
<luca020400> you can do this?
<LuK1337> do i care?
<luca020400> no idea
<luca020400> LuK1337: how do you do pr to fedora build system?
<LuK1337> to some specific rpm?
<luca020400> yeah
<LuK1337> login via FAS
<luca020400> ty
<LuK1337> then just PR to master
<LuK1337> and maybe ask to cherry pick to f34, whatever
<LuK1337> ah also you're meant to use fedpkg to clone and push
<LuK1337> don't ask me why but they restrict ssh to packackers
<LuK1337> ah also, you might want to ping maintainer on irc
<LuK1337> sometimes maintainers care a lot
<LuK1337> and reply right away
<LuK1337> and sometimes they are `Orion`
<LuK1337> but tbf, contributing to fedora is pretty modern feeling
<LuK1337> i'd hate to have to go through mailing list...
<luca020400> I mostly wanted to have it ready
<LuK1337> tho if you want to take over / maintain a pkg you have to go through mailing list
<LuK1337> xd
<LuK1337> lmao
hanetzer has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
<LuK1337> luca020400: what's your motivation behind that netflix app?
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