LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
luca020400 has quit [*.net *.split]
sullivan781 has quit [*.net *.split]
sullivan781 has joined #titandev
luca020400 has joined #titandev
<luca020400> I dropped the alias now
<luca020400> it feels great
<luca020400> but vim, not neovim
<luca020400> oh wow, new chrome update fixed it
<luca020400> but all current tabs are broken
<LuK1337> holy shit is there anything worse than quora
<LuK1337> i'm searching for a very simple thing "how to block someone on google drive/..."
<LuK1337> and i get answers with 5 paragraphs of nonsense
<LuK1337> or youtube videos
<LuK1337> finally
<LuK1337> if you're wondering, some moron kept sharing his location with me
<LuK1337> and google docs
<LuK1337> with links to youtube
<LuK1337> like so ^^