LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
<luca020400> just got the Z3
<luca020400> the usb port is on the bottom
<luca020400> that's stupid
<LuK1337> z3?
<luca020400> kz
<LuK1337> ah
<luca020400> my pixel buds are dead
<LuK1337> hope you'll like kz's
<LuK1337> i gave up with tws
<LuK1337> after two random pairs
<LuK1337> first one died
<LuK1337> and second one kinda annoyed me
<luca020400> will see
<LuK1337> for few months i used it
<LuK1337> and now that i stopped using it
<LuK1337> i'm back to feeling sick
<LuK1337> when trying them...
<luca020400> they fit good
<luca020400> incredibly
<LuK1337> tho
<LuK1337> both of my tws
<LuK1337> made me feel sick at first...
<luca020400> they are loud af
<LuK1337> if they're too loud
<LuK1337> disable absolute vol
<LuK1337> in dev options
<luca020400> they don't have apt hd
<luca020400> they lied
<luca020400> xD
<LuK1337> or pixel doesn't have aptx hd
<luca020400> pretty sure it does..
<LuK1337> probably some did
<LuK1337> because i stole aptxhd blobs from it...
<luca020400> it does
<luca020400> absolute volume feels the same
<luca020400> do I need to re-connect
<LuK1337> i don't remember
<luca020400> yep I had to
<LuK1337> so it's correct now?
<luca020400> indeed
<luca020400> seems like hd audio needs to be enabled by triple clicking
<luca020400> ...
<LuK1337> hopefully it's persistent
<LuK1337> xd
<luca020400> it's not
<luca020400> xD
<luca020400> I don't even understand how it works
<luca020400> hd audio doesn't show up
<luca020400> xD
<LuK1337> it's probably just some eq
<luca020400> probably
<LuK1337> maybe it's that noise reduction?
<LuK1337> but they call it hd audio?
<LuK1337> or nvm
<LuK1337> so what codec are you using right now?
<LuK1337> sbc or regular aptx?
<luca020400> apt
<LuK1337> eh, good enough
<luca020400> yeah they simply don't do hd
<luca020400> which it says they do
<LuK1337> weird anyway
<luca020400> it sure is
<LuK1337> btw i reported electron bug to discord
<LuK1337> and they sent me "it was known" and linked to some unrelated windows bug
<LuK1337> lol
<luca020400> I have to admit they make a bit sick
<luca020400> audio is really good
<luca020400> will probably get the wired version
<luca020400> I like how aliexpress thinks I'm french
<LuK1337> i like how aliexpress web design went to shit since 2014
<luca020400> also german
<luca020400> how can they do that
<luca020400> orders is german, profile french, website english ( part of it =
<luca020400> the app is almost good
<LuK1337> not sure if i'd want aliexpress app on my phone
<LuK1337> i wouldn't trust it to not steal my data
<luca020400> I had to install it because website didn't let me pay
<luca020400> xD
<LuK1337> wish aliexpress would just make their website look professional
<LuK1337> instead of targetting literal retards
<LuK1337> who'd click through every popup etc
<LuK1337> even banggood which is still not super amazing
<LuK1337> is miles ahead of aliexpress
<LuK1337> when it goes for usability
<luca020400> ok I got the english website
<LuK1337> tho if they are trying to be like amazon
<LuK1337> then i'm not surprised that it's kinda bad
<LuK1337> amazon ux is just so meh
<luca020400> also not sure how, but paying with gpay is cheaper than other ways?
<LuK1337> is it?
<luca020400> it was 1.something eur off
<LuK1337> hmm
<LuK1337> cool
<luca020400> I had the checkout on pc and phone with gpay was cheaper
<luca020400> \o/
<LuK1337> ah
<LuK1337> it's phone vs pc
<LuK1337> not no-gpay vs gpay
<luca020400> is it different?
<LuK1337> yeah
<LuK1337> they want you to use their app
<luca020400> ah lol
<LuK1337> again, they probably extort all your data while at it
<LuK1337> but you pay bit less
<LuK1337> plus you may have mobile only coupons...
<luca020400> I had 4eur coupons
<luca020400> no idea from where
<LuK1337> many stores have coupons that you can just activate
<luca020400> one was labeled {0}
<LuK1337> but then you see that they're
<LuK1337> $1 off $1000 order
<LuK1337> lmao
<luca020400> and the other was 3eur
<LuK1337> yay
<LuK1337> someone else noticed it
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<luca020400> trying to get znc working
<luca020400> am I logging out each time?
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<luca020400> ok I don't
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<LuK1337> use quassel
<LuK1337> instead of znc
<luca020400> really
<LuK1337> i think quassel is nicer?
<LuK1337> i have cursed setup
<LuK1337> weechat /w irc relay
<LuK1337> quassel that connects to irc relay
<LuK1337> and quassel android to connect to quassel
<luca020400> ok
<luca020400> let me see quassel
<luca020400> After this operation, 1489 MB of additional disk space will be used.
<luca020400> wtf
<LuK1337> tho if you just want to be able to connect from any real irc client
<LuK1337> then just make weechat expose irc relay
<LuK1337> rather than weechat relay
<luca020400> -core
<luca020400> I can't seem to reach the website
<LuK1337> which one?
<luca020400> core one
<LuK1337> that one?
<luca020400> ye
<LuK1337> works here
<luca020400> I mean, znc works good enough
<luca020400> I don't have to deal with mosh
<LuK1337> but your point is to connect from different irc client?
<luca020400> I can use relay can't i
<LuK1337> i'd think this is what you want
<luca020400> yeah been doing that for ages
<luca020400> [1] 752228 abort (core dumped) quasselclient
<luca020400> yeah can't deal with this shit now
<luca020400> now let's see if I setup the znc service correctly on reboot
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<luca020400> ok that was stupid, I setup reverse proxy
<luca020400> but it wants the ip address
<luca020400> not the dns address
<luca020400> \o/
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<luca020400> I noticed I fucked up ssl config for znc
<luca020400> should be good now
<LuK1337> can you tell me
<LuK1337> how these issues
<LuK1337> are related?
<LuK1337> i honestly don't understand what he's trying to imply there
<LuK1337> links just so that you don't have to type them manually
<luca020400> ty
<luca020400> uh
<luca020400> this code isn't even compiled on linux
<luca020400> xD
<luca020400> This android client isn't that bad
<luca020400> It's also oss, I may play a bit
<LuK1337> which one...?
<LuK1337> tbh maybe i'll just modify weechat android to only run in foreground...
<LuK1337> that'd be ideal for me
<LuK1337> and so i did that
<LuK1337> oh yeah, weechat android also had custom file upload
<LuK1337> so i can upload files -> irc from my phone now