LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
<LuK1337> wow so actually it was glibc fault that my electron apps died?
<luca020400> whut
<LuK1337> vscode got rebuilt with new electron
<LuK1337> but it still crashes
<LuK1337> so someone reported another issue
<LuK1337> and they decided that it was glibc fault
<luca020400> but is it?
<LuK1337> i don't know
<LuK1337> not going to try lol
<luca020400> lol
<LuK1337> i'll just wait to see how they resolve it
<LuK1337> and then bring it up to fedora
<LuK1337> also gnome 41 is out
<luca020400> saw it
<luca020400> anything interesting
<LuK1337> not really
<LuK1337> been running it for a while now
<LuK1337> it's just a solid minor release
<luca020400> did they kill the 41 link
<luca020400> can't see it now
<LuK1337> add slash...
<luca020400> oh
<luca020400> ...
<luca020400> it didn't show up in ..
<luca020400> so \o/
<luca020400> oh power options made to "stable"