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<LuK1337> luca020400: surprisingly, updating memory map was somewhat useful
<LuK1337> because without it i kept seeing cdsp failing in logcat
<LuK1337> ;-;
<LuK1337> will probably break older FW in some mystical ways
<LuK1337> but idc
<LuK1337> it boots
<LuK1337> and doesn't insta crash
<LuK1337> good enough for me
<luca020400> by the look of it it was simply wrong before
<luca020400> there was a carveout of 0x100000
<luca020400> either way
<luca020400> sensors and cdsp
<luca020400> will likely die
<luca020400> who cares
<LuK1337> doesn't seem like either died
<LuK1337> i looked at idle logcat on q fw
<LuK1337> and didn't complain
<LuK1337> so i guess if something is going to be broken
<LuK1337> it'll be more subtle than that
<LuK1337> funny seeing config_wifi_fast_bss_transition_enabled removed
<LuK1337> someone in #lineageos
<LuK1337> was complaining about that