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<jenneron[m]> digetx: hi, how do you think is it possible to reuse linux4tegra OpenGL ES drivers in mainline kernel? someone did that for PowerVR
<danieel> jenneron[m]: why? L4T is on ages old kernel version
<jenneron[m]> danieel: we don't have an alternative right now. implementing GPU in mesa must be way more complicated
<jenneron[m]> it could be a temporary solution until we have GPU in mesa
<jenneron[m]> of course using those drivers can be complicated and not relevant, that's why i asked
<cyndis> you would need to replace the host1x and tegradrm drivers with downstream nvhost, nvmap and tegradc drivers. quite complicated
<jenneron[m]> ok, then it doesn't seem to be relevant
<DavidHeidelberg> Antoni Aloy Torrens Hello, can u explain where is the issue?
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<AntoniAloyTorren> <DavidHeidelberg "Antoni Aloy Torrens Hello, can u"> Sorry for the late reply. @Clamor and I have been trying to get illuminance working on TF101 with this patch: https://paste.debian.net/1205853/
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<DavidHeidelberg> yeah, first 4882 seems to be too much, second, compare init sequence from downstream driver and check if something not missing, third test with https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/hadess/iio-sensor-proxy/
<DavidHeidelberg> executable is `monitor-sensor`
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