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<m4t> digetx: so far, the latest grate seems to fix all 3 issues (deferred probe fail, tsensor, usb audio)
<digetx> very nice, thank you
<hexdump0815> digetx: you updated nyan thermal patch also seems to work
<hexdump0815> digetx: i'm not fully understanding the t-skin thing it yet - does it mean you are using asensor in the case now to control the throttling?
<hexdump0815> digetx: if that is the case, then 70c might be a bit hot in the end :)
<digetx> I don't know what temperature is suitable for nyan, you need to tune it
<hexdump0815> digetx: maybe it will even work - so far it was still possible to keep it on my lap while doing a -j 4 kernel build with the cpu overclocked to 2.35ghz
<hexdump0815> digetx: this way it ended up at around 60c for this sensor i think
<hexdump0815> digetx: maybe i should just measure what temperature i'm really getting on the case outside
<hexdump0815> digetx: as the cpu sensor temp was still below 70c in this case i guess the sensor is quite a bit inside still
<digetx> temperature should be at a user comfortable level, it also shouldn't be cooking anything like battery
<hexdump0815> digetx: i'll do some more experiments and research and report back which temp seems to be a good value