<jenneron[m]> is there schematics for any T114 board? i want to see which pins are connected to eMMC except "sdmmc4_*" and "gma"
<digetx> you can find all pins that use SDMMC4 function in the TRM or in pinctrl driver
<jenneron[m]> i found them in pinctrl-tegra114.c and configured according to downstream https://github.com/jenneron/linux-asus-tf701t/commit/37aad7476bd39426d4cc73cbd1f8192f8bcd1e6b, but that's not enough
<jenneron[m]> clamor says T30 transformers use cam_mclk pin for eMMC and that is not obvious, i'm wondering if there is such a pin (maybe not cam_mclk) in my case
<digetx> T114 can't do that
<digetx> eMMC may have a reset pin
<jenneron[m]> there is no reset pin in tf701t
<digetx> what makes you think so
<jenneron[m]> i don't see it in https://github.com/timduru/tf701t-katkernel/blob/katkiss-7.1/arch/arm/mach-tegra/board-macallan-sdhci.c, even if it's physically present kernel can work without it
<digetx> it could be implicitly deasserted by the pinctrl driver initialization
<digetx> the most robust way is to replicate full pinctrl and gpio hogs initialization that downstream does
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<jenneron[m]> digetx: do you know how this pin is related to sd card? without this sd card doesn't work https://github.com/jenneron/linux-asus-tf701t/commit/8de6694ce24bf43bb03723ae3d2f52cdfe4fd2a6
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