<fredzo_72653> But yes the method name is a bit missleading
<fredzo_72653> Parallel download progress should not be a problem (DemoOscilloscope does so too with the #pragma omp parallel for directive) The only thing is that the threshold used to hide/show download bar is based on the download time of the last channel which could be a problem if the last channel takes significantly less time than the others.
<azonenberg> well what i mean is, my current code only shows progress on the first channel
<azonenberg> i'm trying to figure out if its somethign i'm doing
<azonenberg> or if it's in the sidebar code
<azonenberg> will debug
<azonenberg> when i created the api, voltage was the only unit we had :p
<fredzo_72653> Well that's odd because the hide/show download status is global for a given instrument, so if you have it on first channel, you should have it on all unluss they report DOWNLOAD_NONE or DOWNLOAD_UNKNOWN status
<azonenberg> Yeah thats why i need to look at my code
<azonenberg> We'll see. i'm chasing a bunch of stuff at once and still have to review and merge the other PRs
<josHua> it should work fine with downloads in parallel
@azonenberg what is the VNA story with scopehal these days? is it currently a useful VNA client? or going to be a useful VNA client? if so, should I (or someone) write a nanovna driver?