<azonenberg> Latest round of filter icons merged
<chille0417> 🦈 ▶️
<azonenberg> yep lol
<azonenberg> There's a matching export icon i havent written the filter block but the icon already exists
<azonenberg> can never have too many shorks in your code
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<chille0417> @azonenberg The OWON HDS200 series have devices with and without an AWG. I can check for an AWG by looking at the model number in SCPIDevice::m_model. But this will require a device to be connected and reply to an *IDN? before knowing if there is an AWG or not. I'm thinking that maybe someone want to be able to prepare a workspace without connecting the hardware. Any ideas how to do this in ngscopeclient? I'm thinking that maybe there
should be some settings in the GUI that can enable/disable the AWG option. The constructor should auto enable this option whenever a user connects to an instrument with an AWG. Or maybe the exact model should configurable from the GUI? There might be some other model specific things like timebase settings and bandwidth limiting.
<azonenberg> So generally speaking we detect what features the device has at connection time
<azonenberg> And then these settings are saved to the scopesession
<azonenberg> what's missing is the ability to load the AWG channel config offline; the MockOscilloscope class is (as the name implies) just a scope
<azonenberg> and we don't have proper offline load support for other instrument types yet
<chille0417> Hmm... okay. Then I will just stick to parsing m_model for now.
<azonenberg> Yeah this is a longer term todo but not a blocker for the v0.1 release
<azonenberg> since scopes are obviously the most improtant use case right now
<chille0417> Some day I would like to propose a API for configuring things runtime. This would be great of things like offline configuration and such. I think it should be quite easy actually. I have done similar things in other projects before. But for now i will priotize to get the OWON driver working first.
<azonenberg> More offline configuration kinda ties into the broader goal of being able to transition seamlessly between on- and off-line mode operation
<azonenberg> so that if you lose connectivity to a scope you don't just hang ngscopeclient
<azonenberg> it should print out a warning then switch to offline mode and give you the option to reconnect